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Legacy Charting – New Update Now Available – Pre-Release version 7.0.094

Legacy Charting – New Update Now Available – Pre-Release version 7.0.094

A new update to Legacy Charting Pre-Release edition is now available for free download. Below is a list of the new additions and minor fixes.


  • Added the ability to display the Prefix and Suffix fields for names
  • Added DPI control for exported file types (50 DPI to 600 DPI)


  • The sort order of children now follows Legacy’s sort order
  • Fixed sizing problems with PDf and export file types
  • In some Fan Charts, there was missing information for individuals. Fixed.
  • Fixed some problems with backgrounds and memory leaks. Should run even faster now.
  • Fixed some printing issues.

How to Download the update

To update to the latest version of Legacy Charting Pre-Release edition:

  1. Open Legacy Charting and click on the Tips & Updates tab in the upper right.
  2. In the upper left, click on the Download New Update Now link.

If you haven’t yet installed Legacy Charting Pre-Release edition…

Please visit

Comments (3)

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  • AC
    Allan Costello

    Hello, I’ve been playing around with the Charting pre-release and had a couple of suggestions. I was having some trouble in trying to place name and BMD info underneath the picture in the box item menu. Eventually I figured it out that you had to format each line of information separately (i.e., which column it would appear in, the justification etc.). That was a little unclear in the help file. What I was unable to determine was if there was a way to format boxes other than by lineage, cohort, etc.. I would find it helpful if there was a tool to color individual box backgrounds, some manner of tranparency control, perhaps different shaped boxes (i.e. ovals), as well as some finer tweaks such as the ability to bleed or fade out the edges of the info boxes into the background. Just a suggestion.
    Also, is it possible to add a descendent chart upward option (i.e., rooted by ancestor and growing upwards)? Thanks very much!

  • JB
    Japie Bosch

    Congratulations with Legacy 7 Charting. See my blog-url above of what I managed to accoplish with it. I gave it a good write-up of the programme for the Afrikaans-speaking South Africans.
    Request: I’d like to see a function whereby all siblings of the youngest generation could be included in one chart. After all: they all have the same ancestors. It will give charts much more meaning.
    I’d also to see a function whereby the picture of the youngest generation can be enlarged.

  • LD
    Linda Dietz

    Hopefully we also (those who are unable to attend) will get special pricing??
    Here’s Hoping

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