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More About Legacy 7’s Upcoming Release

More About Legacy 7’s Upcoming Release

Hi Legacy Users,

We are working very hard to get things ready to release to everyone. The software is mostly ready with just a few more things that we are finishing up and getting ready for prime time.

It’s a huge effort to release a program like Legacy and believe me we are working very hard. Doing a pre-release at NGS is a simple thing as all we have to do is take Legacy and the new books and sell them.  Officially releasing takes a bunch of very time consuming behind the scenes work like re-working our website, getting our online store ready for orders, improving our ordering system, mailing lists, press releases, training videos and getting all the other things I can’t even think about right now that have to be done for a release of a new product.

We have hired several people to help with the shipping. For the last 10 months we have been selling Legacy 6.0 with the promise that if they buy it we will give them a free Legacy 7.0 as soon as it’s ready.  These people have already paid for v7 and we have many, many, many thousands of these people waiting for their promised copies. It’s going to take a while to get all these backordered copies out the door, even with all the people we have setup to help. This is a huge project, bigger than we have ever undertaken in the history of our company. We will begin shipping these promised copies starting early next week.

During the week or two that it’s going to take to get this huge backlog of orders out the door we’ll be working on all the other items needed to go live on our website with v7. It’s coming soon and we really are working around the clock trying to get the long awaited Legacy 7.0 out to all of you.

We appreciate your patience and we’ll try hard to keep everyone informed as to how it’s going. From what we have seen as we have demonstrated Legacy 7 at the various conferences the last couple months we believe all of you will agree that the wait will have been worth it. We have had such positive feedback from the pre-release of Legacy Charting and when we have shown the new source system people have been really excited about it. The source template project was a huge undertaking that you are going to love. It took several man years and cost several hundred thousand dollars to put together this new system. It’s so cool and it is going to help everyone do their sources the right way the first time.

We value all of our users and appreciate all that each of you have done to help Legacy become the great success that it has become.  If it wasn’t for all of you helping us get the word out to your friends and family we wouldn’t be enjoying the growth we have seen. A huge THANK YOU to all of you.

Thanks, Ken McGinnis

Comments (27)

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  • G

    Amazing job to get all the pre-ordered stuff out. Received my CD and manual here in New Zealand on Friday 30 May! I am busy reading through the manual before I download the new version 7 – yes, I am one of those weird people who actually read a manual before I use anything! Find it saves me time in the long run as I don’t make mistakes I have to go back and correct.
    Cheers for the excellent service. Looking forward to the charting.

  • GB
    Gisela Borawski-Hayes


  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Robert Bain – it will be available in a couple of hours. We will send an email to the Legacy News mailing list within the next day or two.

  • RB
    Robert Bain

    Will you be informing us by email when Legacy 7 will be available this week?

  • JL
    Jack Landers

    Have been using Linux (Ubuntu 6.06) for a couple of years now! When do you plan on releasing a Linux Version of Legacy?

  • MB
    Max Barton

    I agree with some of Timothy Eastman’s comments regarding IE7 and lack of support for Firefox but not about IE6. IE6 is historically a programmers nightmare to work and implementing mapping would be a hard ask and therefore the sooner IE6 is left to rot in the archives the better. However, Firefox support should be seriously be considered as it is running second at about 15% market share compared to IE’s 65% and is a lot easier to work with.

  • RB
    Robert Bain

    I have posted a message but it hasn’t appeared
    When will Legacy 7 be available, how much a discount for those who has Legacy 6 who joined before Jul 07 and will there be a download version available for those like me who live outwith the US

  • A

    Early reaction to version 7 (7.038) – disappointing that you require IE 7 for certain features to run (Mapping) – A large segment of your user base is probably still on IE 6 and/or is using Firefox. Consider this an enhancement request…..thanks.

  • TE
    Timothy Eastman

    I would rather wait a little longer and endure delays on final product release for all testing to be done than receive a product that still has bugs and doesn’t run correctly. (I am still experiencing minor problems with my Windows Vista Premium OS which is over a year old.) I am excited about the new features and abilities for this new version and will purchase the Maps program when I get get my Legacy 7 download. Thanks for a great product.

  • B

    Got my Legacy v7 book and cdrom today! I can’t wait to get it loaded and fire it up. Thanks, Millennia, for all the hard work!
    I give Legacy praise to all my friends and family.

  • DC
    Dr C E Strauss

    A plea for quality, something that has not really been a problem with the last several versions of Legacy that I have used, and I started on version 3.
    Please make sure that you get the new and upgrade installers built correctly and tested on various versions of at least XP and Vista, as well as any older versions of Windows that you intend to keep on supporting (I have not seen your 7.x OS requirements yet). A bad installer can cripple a product, especially if it is not corrected quickly. I bought an upgrade to your competition’s 7.x product on 1 January, and even with their recent update, over four months later it still absolutely refuses to install on my PC (XP Media Center Edition). They don’t even seem to want to acknowledge that there is a problem!
    I sincerely hope to avoid any such issues with Legacy 7 since your product is my primary genealogical db tool, so test well. I try to keep current versions of several other competing products installed in order to help people in our genealogical society with whatever they are using, but that is getting harder and harder to do. BTW, I run several racks full of Windows application and database servers at work, so I routinely get to break a lot of new software installers; at least Microsoft and the various vendors that I deal with at work will fix theirs when they are broken, usually within days, not months.
    I don’t care if you post this or not; I DO hope that you pass it on to the developers and quality assurance testers, whoever they may be.

  • B

    I have not read anyting about the 7.0 release last week and I wondered if you would report on it here?
    Can’t wait to buy my copy.

  • T

    I also use Pocket Genealogist, will I have to do anything as far as an upgrade there when V.7 comes out?

  • P

    Dennis Stokes–from the url for the Store Upgrades you mentioned, the price for download upgrade to 6.0 is $21.95 and that price includes the 7.0. So it would make sense that current users of 6.0 Deluxe should upgrade to download version of 7.0 for $21.95.
    If not, then we would just buy the 6.0 upgrade download for $21.95 and get the 7.0 included.
    Am I missing something?

  • JZ
    Jeff Zinsli

    Will the sourcing features of Legacy 7 allow users to apply new source formatting to all existing instances of a given source? My question is getting at how easy it will be for users to integrate new source citation capabilities with existing source info.

  • FK
    Frank Kern

    Can’t wait for the new version. Sourcing, while important and vital, is one of my least favorite things to do because there has up to now never been a super way of entering the data. I certainly look forward to a more simplified method of entering sources.

  • J

    Geoff, for sourcing it sounds like you’ve taken “Evidence Explained” head-on! I look forward to it as this is the most time-consuming aspect for me.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Ken, we will publish this when v7 goes live on our website.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Mark, an upgrade really only means upgrade pricing. You will get the full version.

  • C

    Tanks of gas! hmm! Others have to pay more than $50 US. We are paying $70AUD (you do the math on the current exchange rate) and that is not even factoring in the rising price of food as a result etc etc. I am sure Geoff and team will price the upgrade correctly to its value.

  • K

    It would be really nice to see a detailed list of new features!

  • M

    Hi Geoff,
    I bought v6 in the past fortnight so do I get an upgrade or a full v7, or is there no difference. I’m in Australia so will be downloading my update whatever I get.
    thanks for a great program

  • DS
    Dennis Stokes

    Sounds wonderful, but what will the cost be for current owners of v.6 who want to download? The fact that you said nothing about cost to users suggests it is not something you want to brag about. Or, do you? Go on… brag! Tell me how inexpensive it is going to be for me. Put it in terms of tanks of gas… which right now is about $50 a tank for me. What will the price be? A tank of gas? Two tanks???? More???????

  • S

    Don’t forget about us downloaders! 🙂 I hope to download this as soon as it’s out, it’s been a long wait.

  • AF
    Al;exander Farquhar

    Look forward to a new Legacy

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