Most of us did not grow up with today's technology. My children, however, have never known life without a computer. This became apparent to me when the other day my eight-year-old son said:
"Daddy, I know why they put numbers on houses. It's so the GPS will know how to get there."
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How about when you take your car in for repairs and after driving away from the shop in a loaner vehicle your 10 year old asks “What are these things on the door?”.
To which I responded “you turn them to make the window go up and down”.
I never realized she’d never been in a car without power windows. Makes you feel a little older doesn’t it? 😉
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How about when you take your car in for repairs and after driving away from the shop in a loaner vehicle your 10 year old asks “What are these things on the door?”.
To which I responded “you turn them to make the window go up and down”.
I never realized she’d never been in a car without power windows. Makes you feel a little older doesn’t it? 😉