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Researching Your Scottish Ancestors – free webinar Wednesday, April 18 by Marie Dougan

Researching Your Scottish Ancestors – free webinar Wednesday, April 18 by Marie Dougan

Webinarlogo Got Scottish ancestors? Join our free webinar on Wednesday, April 18, presented by Marie Dougan, to learn how to find them.

Scotland has a wealth of records available to assist you in researching your Scottish ancestry. Scottish statutory records of births, marriages and deaths began in 1855 and are available online together with census returns from 1841-1911. Other online records include Old Parish Records of baptisms, marriages and burials, records from Catholic archives and Scottish wills and testaments. Join our webinar to find out about these records and strategies to help you use these and other useful sources effectively in your research.

The live webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 2PM Eastern U.S., so register today to reserve your virtual seat. Registration is free but space is limited to the first 1,000 people to join that day. Join at least 15-20 minutes early to ensure your virtual seat.


About the presenter

Marie-Dougan001-for-web Marie Dougan is a professional genealogist based in Scotland who holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Genealogical Studies from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. She has been involved in researching genealogy for over 12 years. Marie has an extensive background in education and provides a variety of training courses in genealogy, as well as speaking at a number of events. She has a particular interest in the applications of technologies to assist in genealogical research. Marie is the owner of Ancestral Consultants which provides a range of professional genealogy services.

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Webinar time

The webinar will be live on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at:

  • 2pm Eastern (U.S.)
  • 1pm Central
  • 12pm Mountain
  • 11am Pacific/Arizona
  • 6pm GMT
  • 7pm Glasgow

Or use this Time Zone Converter.

Here's how to attend:

  1. Register at today. It's free!
  2. You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the webinar.
  3. You will receive a reminder email during the week prior to the webinar.
  4. Calculate your time zone by clicking here.
  5. Make sure you have the latest version of Java installed on your computer. Check at
  6. Click on the webinar link (found in confirmation and reminder emails) prior to the start of the webinar. Arrive early as the room size is limited to the first 1,000 arrivals that day.
  7. Listen via headset (USB headsets work best), your computer speakers, or by phone.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Comments (2)

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  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Judy – the webinar’s recording will be published to the archives at and will remain there free for at least ten days after the live event. It will also be available on CD.

  • JR
    Judy Riordan

    I am very interested in the Scottish ancestry but do you have any way I can view this in the evening as I work?

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