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2 New Legacy quickGuides now available – Organizing/Digitizing Family Photos and Preparing for a Successful Research Trip

2 New Legacy quickGuides now available – Organizing/Digitizing Family Photos and Preparing for a Successful Research Trip

Legacy QuickGuidesTM have quickly become one of the more popular resources for genealogists. Each guide contains four (sometimes five, sometimes more) pages of valuable information covering a variety of genealogy research topics, dozens of clickable links, and are written by genealogists and family historians who are experts in the subject areas. We've added two brand new Legacy QuickGuides: Organizing and Digitizing Family Photos and Preparing for a Successful Repository Research Trip, both by Deena Coutant. Now choose from 96 Legacy QuickGuides!

Organizing and Digitizing Family Photos by Deena Coutant – $2.95

Organizing and Digitizing Family Photos Many people feel that their collections of digital or physical photos and family files are disorganized, and therefore disconnected from full enjoyment in their everyday lives. Organization is very personal, with each individual having his or her own unique flavor of methods, approaches and goals. Although there are no right or wrong answers to how we become more organized, many would like to adopt proven strategies to enable a better state of organization.

The Organizing and Digitizing Family Photos Legacy QuickGuide™ contains useful information including how to establish collections and repositories, file naming and metadata considerations, methods for proper storage, and more. The five-step organization process describes how to manage digital or physical photos so they can be celebrated and shared. Also included are links to websites and resources covering photo organization and preservation methods. This 9-page PDF guide can be used on your computer or mobile device for anytime access.


Preparing for a Successful Repository Research Trip by Deena Coutant – $2.95

Preparing for a successful repository research trip involves numerous actions. Most of these actions occur before the trip, but some cannot be facilitated until arriving onsite. Still other steps are necessary after returning from the trip to complete the cycle and begin preparation for the next research trip. Crafting a solid research strategy will ensure success before, during and after the trip.

The Preparing for a Successful Repository Research Trip Legacy QuickGuide™ contains useful information including how to set research goals and develop a research plan, strategies for duplicating and organizing information, and more. Detailed checklists are provided for trip logistics, repository rules and resources, staff accessibility and supplies to pack. Also included are links to websites and resources covering top genealogical repositories to visit. This 10-page PDF guide can be used on your computer or mobile device for anytime access.


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