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Legacy Genealogy Cruise – We’re Back!

Legacy Genealogy Cruise – We’re Back!

We have returned from our 12th annual Legacy Genealogy Cruise and had the time of our lives! We sailed on board the largest cruise ship in the world, Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas

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It was my kids' first cruise and it lived up to all of their expectations.

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Am I a bad Dad for watching my second oldest down 8 ice cream cones in one day?

Our first day at sea was Father's Day…

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…and our first day of classes. We heard from Lisa Louise Cooke (wow, was she ever terrific!!)…


…Steve Salisbury, Dave Berdan, Ken McGinnis, and myself. And it was fun sailing with about 200 friends and genealogists in our group.

In Jamaica we enjoyed a relaxing river cruise down the Martha Brae River.

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We also visited the Mayan ruins in Chichen Itza. Such an amazing place!

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In addition to all the good food on board (my kids were impressed that they could even have macaroni and french fries in the formal dining room)…

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…we had fun on the carousel…

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…and even on the zip line…

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I was even spotted next to this billboard…

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We ended the classes as we always do by drawing lots of names for door prizes. Dave (Legacy's founder and President) then announced that all Legacy cruisers would get a free annual webinar membership to Thanks again to Lisa Louise Cooke, Steve Salisbury, Dave Berdan, Ken McGinnis (and myself I suppose) for the great classes! Thanks to all of you who joined us! Thanks to all the rest of our Legacy Family Tree staff who kept our Support, Customer Service, and Shipping departments open while we were away. And thanks to our cruise coordinator, Christy, for all she did for us too!

Next year's cruise to Alaska

It's never too early to begin thinking about next year's cruise (our 13th annual) to Alaska. Registration is not yet available, but save these dates: August 27-September 9, 2016. Write to Christy for more information.

Back to work

Now that I've officially announced our return, it's back to work! We've got great things planned for our Legacy Family Tree software and for our webinar series. I LOVE my job!

Comments (2)

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  • PM
    Pamela Morrison

    Welcome Back

  • MH
    Michelle Hynes

    I love your job too! I hope to go on the cruise next year. I would love to see some genetic genealogy included.

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