Blog » celebrates 5 years celebrates 5 years


Today marks five years since the birth of our genealogy webinar series. And now, with 263 webinars behind us, we continue to reach for the stars in bringing you the best online genealogy education.

Speaking of stars, we've been honored to work with 74 of genealogy's finest educators, story-tellers, researchers, technologists, and authors. Together, we've made a really good team!

Collage The next group of stars is all of YOU! You faithfully join us each week. In one webinar alone, viewers from 72 different countries attended. Wow! We've become friends, or better yet, family. 

The brightest stars of our webinar series, and the greatest beneficiaries of what we have all learned, are our ancestors. We have found and documented so many of them as a result of our five years of webinars together. I get emails all the time from viewers telling me of a new discovery or a brick wall they've solved because of what they have learned here. I can think of three of my own personal research problems solved as a result of our webinars.

So here's to our next five years together! May we continue to document and find our ancestors, and discover more of who WE are as a result.

Watch these members-only webinars for free

To celebrate, we're unlocking five of our members-only webinars – one for each year – for you to view for free for the next week.

And if you want access to all 263 classes in the library, plus access to the next year's worth of classes, plus access to the 1,169 pages of syllabus materials, join us with an annual membership. It's only $49.95 a year. If I've done my math right, that's less than 19 cents per class. Yikes, maybe we should raise the price. It's the best value in genealogy education.

Click here to subscribe.

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