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Vote for your favorite cover of Legacy Family Tree 9 Unlocked – Final Round!

Vote for your favorite cover of Legacy Family Tree 9 Unlocked – Final Round!

Compared to the 261 pages of the next edition of Legacy Family Tree Unlocked! the cover – all 1 page of it – has definitely been the most challenging page of them all. I've learned that the cover of a non-fiction book needs to be simple, eye-catching, and to the point. After lots of trial and error, two rounds of public voting (first in Facebook and second in our recent after-webinar party) and your feedback, I've narrowed it down to these two choices.

But wait – before you vote below and before I get thousands of questions about "when is Legacy 9 coming?" – showing you this cover does not mean that v9 is due out soon. It just means that I'm finally almost done with this project. And, I know I'm biased, but this version of Legacy Unlocked! is really, really good! 🙂


OK, it's your turn now. The final say. It's time to cast your vote.

Which cover do you prefer above? #1 (left) or #2 (right).

Please leave your vote in the comments below. And may the best cover win!

Comments (241)

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  • HA
    Holger Almholt

    I like version 2 best and suggest using big bold for “Version 9”

  • CS
    Cheryl S

    Hi my vote is for #1

  • HD
    Howard Divelbiss

    #1 Definitely, looks really great

  • CC
    Carl Carlson

    I vote for #1

  • LG
    Lou g. Vlerio


  • C

    Left. It caught my attention right away whereas the Right didn’t.

  • DK
    David Kiefer

    #1 historically ornate key

  • JC
    Judith Clark

    Key #1 is very ornate, a little overdone. The positioning is good as it appears at the start of the page. I like the finenes of the key rather than the heavy plain appearance of key 2. My vote goes to #1 on the left.

  • T


  • AB
    Annette Berger

    #1 I like the Bolder letters on #2 but the picture on #1. #1 is best.

  • S

    #2. Definetely #2

  • W

    #2 appears clear & neat with its darker image not faded! I’d suggest using the key from #1.

  • WB
    William Boswell

    If I had to choose between the two I would pick #1 because #2 looks like a bullet hole in the middle of the screen right through one of the ancestors.
    Actually I don’t like either of them which is why I said if I had to choose. Something along the lines of a treasure trove of documents behind an unlocked attic door might be more appealing, but since that isn’t offered I will go with #1. If the book is mostly about online research then what you have above would be more suitable.

  • PA
    P AA

    Two, on the right, is bolder and cleaner.

  • M

    #2 – cleaner,clearer and more simplistic keywise

  • GB
    Grace Bonfiglio

    No. 1
    Grace Bonfiglio

  • SW
    Sheryl Whisenhunt


  • A

    Left #1

  • BP
    Barbara Porter

    #1 left. More pleasing to the eye.

  • CW
    Cindy Ware

    #1 Really like it!

  • KM
    Kristina Majnaric-Jarm

    #1 More exciting!

  • CM
    Cora May

    Number 1

  • JW
    John Williamson


  • G

    #1 – I think that the antique key most represents something to do with times gone by. So that’s my choice.

  • J


  • ME
    Marilyn Ellis

    I have to agree with Linda Hodges: “Bolder letters of number 2, with the key placement of number 1….lol is that an option???” I think #2 is more striking, but agree with others about placement and ornate key of #1. Leave it to a few of us to be out of step.

  • B


  • Z

    # 1 I like the elegant key and it still hints that this is about unlocking the power of Legacy Software and Ancestors. Sure hope you keep the new program compatible in Win XP Pro. Something about that huge bulky key in the middle of the screen in # 2 just doesn’t seem to pop out as asthetic as # 1.

  • M

    #2 as the title is “Unlocked,” I think the key centered stands out more and reiterates the title of your book.

  • RA
    Ray Allen

    The #2 screenshot is better balanced. Font boldness and laptop size work well together. The key location is better in #1; as is the keyhole placement and style. Both key styles and size appear over stated and awkward in relation to the page. A less ornate and 25% smaller key in the same location of #1 would balance the page image.

  • JC
    Jenny Clark

    Left no 1 appeals to me most

  • VH
    Val Horne

    I love number 1 because the beautiful key elegantly conveys the joy of unlocking the unknown

  • JT
    Janet Talbott


  • E

    I like the left one too, It is cleaner. #1 for me

  • R


  • S

    #1 is my pick! More elegant than the second one!

  • CC
    Cathy Claycamp

    1 has my vote too

  • RG
    Reg Gagnier

    #1 Doesn’t take away from what the program is about, your “family tree”.

  • JW
    John Williams

    #1. It actually looks like it’s unlocking something while #2 looks like something was jammed into the laptop screen.

  • RB
    Richard Benoit

    #1 Elegant/eye catching/professional looking.

  • R

    #1 Left. It appears to be an “elegant” program, which unlocks the past with the shape of the antique key. The key is in a neutral area.

  • K

    # 1 just grabs your attention.

  • P

    # 1, but with the bold lettering of #2

  • HS
    Hugues savoie


  • ND
    Noel Davis

    Right. The key hole is more centered to page and to me it looks better .

  • GL
    Geoff Ladbrook

    I prefer #1

  • BF
    Brian Finnegan

    #1 Left

  • CS
    Carl Sheeley


  • F

    #1. It appears to unlock all of Legacy and not just one record.

  • BC
    B C Groseclose

    #1 with the bolder title from #2.
    However, the key is in a vertical position which is usually the locked position.

  • AC
    Al Cooperband

    #1 (Left). It suggest that the entire system is being unlocked, rather than just a particular aspect of it. And I like the elaborate key better than the simple one: it suggest antiquity.

  • RD
    Roger De Bortoli

    #1 The elegant key sold me!

  • T

    # 1

  • DL
    Dani Lee McGowan

    #1 – I like the look of the key – as it is more historical and makes me think history-genealogy-family.
    number 2 is too modern

  • DB
    Denulise B.

    #1 Left. The key is pretty and looks like it came from long long ago just like our ancestors.

  • GF
    G Funck

    # 1

  • CF
    Charlene Fisher

    If you put the ornate key and key hole in #2, where the plain key is now, you will have a more balanced look. As it stands now, #1 has all the “weight” on the left side.

  • BG
    Bill Ged

    I like #1 the best.

  • SC
    Shirley Crampton


  • M

    #1. I liked combining the old (key) and the new (computer)

  • CJ
    Carmen Johnson

    I like #1 best, it is fancier and upscale. “Old is Newer” I love Legacy, thank you for the best software for keeping my family records strait!! C Johnson

  • P

    Cover #1 is the most appealing to me.

  • MJ
    Marny Janson

    #1 is more appealing.

  • SK
    Sandy Kelly

    Left #1–Key is prettier, and looks like it is opening something, not stabbing it in it’s middle. And the computer itself more fully fills up the cover picture and is at a nicer angle.

  • ME
    Marcia Erickson

    I too prefer #1. The key is less intrusive and the whole page just leaves me with a better feeling.

  • GS
    Gail S. Elizares


  • W

    2 – like the location of the key the best – but would like to see the key from 1 instead of the more modern one.

  • TW
    tom wilber


  • SM
    Suzanne M. Wellner

    #1 (Left) Looks classy and elegant just like a beautiful antique.

  • MS
    Marianne soltau

    It just looks nicer

  • GF
    Gordon Fey


  • L

    Definitely #1

  • AL
    Ann Lamb


  • J

    I like the look of # 1 but I like the key placement of # 2. So if you could keep # 1 but move the key and keyhole to the position it is on # 2 and make the key a little thicker (more substantial) that would be better. Right now key # 1 looks too thin and delicate. Almost like there is nothing there. You want the key to be thicker to symolize the substantial amount of info you will get from the book and the secrets that you will unlock.

  • MC
    Michael Clark

    #1 Left

  • R

    Definitely the right. Neat, clean, not “fussy.” Modern, yes, because we are seeking the past in order to leave a “legacy” for our future descendants.

  • KG
    Kate Guess

    # 1 left. The key is not in a face, like # 2 is, and the ornate key speaks to the history element of genealogy.

  • R

    My vote is for # 1. To me it appears that the lock is positioned to open up everyone’s story. Sorry to say that option #2 looks as if one person just got poked in the eye!

  • FM
    Frank Marion

    My vote is for number two, as in your comments keep it simple. The key in #1 is too ornate, also the key in #2 is in the centre of the family tree allowing one to spread out through the different branches. Frank Marion

  • BG
    Barbara Gorham Johnson

    #1, I like the old fashioned keyhole and the key stands out.

  • AS
    Alice Sanders


  • DM
    D. Martinlagardette

    #1 Left.

  • DF
    Debby Flood


  • DS
    Debbie Simms

    #1 I agee with the commenter about it looking a lot neater.

  • DC


  • DS
    Dora Smith

    Left looks better.
    The one on the right looks outright strange. Why is this person stabbing a hole into his genealogy? LOL!

  • M

    Left … It’s cleaner, but also the antique key and lock to me symbolizes the past, which is exactly where I’m going.

  • M


  • EM
    Eleanor McMurchy

    #1 one is too stylized, I am voting for #2. The key is opening to the heart (roots) of your tree! A nicer keyhole would enhance the look!

  • ST
    Sharee Thornberry

    I don’t like either one.

  • R

    #1 is my choice.

  • AH
    Alan Harvey

    Number 1 but with the number 2 key. I agree with a previous comment that the #1 key is too ornate and is distracting. That is why I prefer the #2 key.

  • DC
    Donna Cox Baker


  • RR
    Ray Rhoads

    #2 Not as busy as #1.

  • JH
    Joe Henry

    #1 (Left) I like it. Simple

  • MW
    Michael Wright

    #1 LEFT
    great image!

  • LH
    Larry Hart


  • CB
    Connie Bunte


  • HC
    Hans C. Olavson

    No contest – #1 is the winner.
    Chris Olavson

  • B

    L, very little difference to choose from.

  • IB
    Ingrid B


  • CB
    Cherie Brumfield

    #2 — looks like you would be unlocking your family information by using Legacy.

  • TG
    Terry Goodwin

    Left one.

  • C

    #1 — Much more elegant and neat

  • G

    #1 — though with the screen color that is used in #2. The slightly beige screen stands out better.

  • TP
    Tom Pedtke

    Left i.e. #1. It looks more like a lock and key whereas #2 looks like a windup mechanism.

  • R

    #2, but use the lock and key design from #1.

  • AF
    Alan Fox

    1 left.

  • RS
    Robert Scott

    Place the key style in #1 into the lock position on #2 and that makes the most graphic representation! Look at what your unlocking, the position on the tree, not the screen with a majestic key, not the attention distracting one that focuses you on the key more than the solution.
    But what do I know?!

  • LB
    laquita belinfante


  • BH
    Brian Hurlburt

    I think the 1s have it! However, I like #2
    What would be really good is if the key on #1 was on #2

  • RF
    Roy Fisher


  • KJ
    Keld Jensen

    #1 Absolutely. It’s nice, clean and well composed.

  • JM
    Judi Meyer

    Left for sure

  • J


  • RM
    Rod Merrill

    I like the cover on the left because it appears to unlock the history of a family. The one on the right seems to unlock the person.

  • AC
    Anders Christoffer Haugen


  • MW
    Marion Walter


  • B

    # 1 gets my vote!

  • BE
    Beverley Ellis

    #1 left side

  • HH
    Helle Hirschmann

    1 is best.

  • MS
    Marianne Senecal

    # 1 left

  • RS
    Robert Schilling

    #1, left

  • JR
    John Ross

    On a slightly different topic please produce the book in something other than pdf format. Epub or similar?

  • TF
    Tom Fitzsimons

    # 1

  • V

    Left. The one on the right looks like you are unlocking the computer itself.
    Not to mention, but I will… the key on the left, looks like one of those “bright shiny objects” that we genies just can’t resist, that will open the door to that rabbit hole that we have a hard time not diving into… So. That BSO key, will have us diving into the Legacy rabbit hole and learning lots. ^_^
    Not to mention, but I will… that key hole on the left is one of those that the kid in us just can’t resist peeking. 0.o

  • C

    #1 is awesome!

  • N

    Left. .the key on the right looks odd with the large hole

  • N

    The one on the left. That vintage key is perfect!

  • SR
    Sally Rolls Pavia

    I much prefer No 2. Like it being in the middle, the placement of the key and the overall look of the page. Definitely No 2.
    Sally Rolls Pavia

  • FH
    Faye Holder


  • DG
    Diane George

    No. 1 is good, except for the design of the key–could be a little simpler. No. 2 looks like something is trying to kill the computer.

  • AS
    Annie Stratton

    # 1, definitely. I think #1 captures that almost magical feeling I get when things come together and actually make sense after all the painstaking research and analysis!
    The other one sort of looks to me more like something are being jimmied into place. (“I know this will fit here if I just wiggle things a bit…)

  • M

    #1 Left

  • JM
    Julia Mueller


  • CD
    Cynthia DeLay

    #1 (left)… I like the fancier looking key better plus you can see the keyhole as well.

  • M

    #1, the colour is brighter and the key position doesn’t obscure the image on the screen. Also prefer the old fashioned key.

  • CS
    Curt Swisher

    #2 with the key in the middle.

  • DJ
    Debbie Judd

    I like #1 best. The key seems more unique just like Legacy.

  • G

    I like the key on #1 but like the placement on #2. #1 doesn’t look like it is unlocking Legacy but # 2 does.

  • SA
    Suzanne Anderson


  • DS
    Donna S.

    #1 looks more obviously like a key and just looks better.

  • RW
    Ron Whitson

    #1 looks a lot nicer

  • JS
    Joi Soucy

    #2 – it clearly illustrates that it is unlocking the family tree

  • SM
    Sheila Maynard

    1 left

  • MP
    Marian Pritchard


  • WB
    Wally Buchanan

    # 1. Looks better with less clutter.

  • RB
    Ray Beaudoin

    #1 – The antique ornate key adds more class to the cover and is eye catching.

  • B


  • GT
    Georgie Trammellq

    I prefer the left one. The key reminds me of the “secret” histories we unlock every day and I prefer the positioning to the side and not in the middle of the page.

  • NM
    Nancy Moll

    #1 Left Pretty key and is not “stabbing” your family tree like #2.

  • JD
    J Davis


  • TM
    Tracey Maunder

    #1 The ornate look of the key depicts times gone by. However, I think the key could be at a very slight angle, similar to that of the key on the right, to show the unlocking of the past.

  • RB
    Ruth Boettcher


  • L

    I prefer 2, the right one. It seems simpler to me. Can’t wait to get Legacy Unlocked

  • GA
    Gene Adams

    Go with #1

  • KS
    Kim Simpson


  • VL
    Valerie Laskowski

    #1 Definitely! The old fashioned key and the larger keyhole is what was needed than the previous drafts.

  • NT
    Natalie Thornton

    I like left one

  • N


  • K

    #1; number 2 looks like a stabbing!

  • AD
    Alma Darling

    A combination, of course! I like the lock placement and the key shadow of Number 1 and the key (but not the key hole) of Number 2. Also, I prefer the lettering of Number 2.

  • BL
    Berice Lawson

    The key design reflects an ‘heirloom’ and promise of treasures to discover.

  • LE
    Linda Ezzone

    #1 on the left looks sharp and uncluttered.

  • MJ
    Mike James


  • BJ
    Becky Jamison


  • DE
    Diane Eppestine

    #2!!! The book is the KEY! Therefore, the key should be centered on the screen, taking center stage. It’s unlocking the program. Not some afterthought over on the side of the screen. The #1 key is way too ornate as well. The only thing I liked better about #1 is the shadow of the key on the keyboard.

  • HB
    Hilary Bishop

    No. 1

  • MS
    Meg Staton

    #1 (left)

  • L

    #1 on the left, please!

  • RF
    Roberta Fox

    #2 with the key placement of #1

  • T


  • NG
    N. G. Craig

    Definitely #1.

  • S

    Left (love that skeleton key look).

  • K

    #1 on left.

  • RG
    Russ G

    2 absolutely. Goes right to the “heart” of genealogy.

  • JW
    Judy Whitaker

    1. Looks elegant and inviting to unlock the mystery of our Family History.

  • CH
    Chris Horne

    Right definitely. The coloring is more vibrant and it is better balanced. The key on the left pulls the eye to the key and not the message.

  • K

    left. I like the key better and the keyhole looks better than plunging the key into the computer screen.

  • KS
    Kathleen Sherring


  • JW
    Julie W.


  • DW
    Debby Warren

    #1, I like the old fashion key

  • A

    #2 Makes it appear that you are unlocking mystries of Ancestry.

  • MW
    MaryAnn Whitbeck

    I like the placement of #1 but like the key in #2. If it is my final choice I have to go with 1.

  • DN
    D Noyes


  • JW
    John Williams

    #1 Looks great

  • LD
    Linda Dean

    Yes! Left #1. Lettering great, image great. It’s a winner!

  • S

    Left, no. 1

  • KE
    Karen Estrin


  • B

    I like 1 better.

  • A


  • S

    #1 by a mile !!! Love the antique key and the matching keyhole. Love the placement in a neutral spot so that you can still see the full pedigree chart. Beautiful !!!

  • DF
    David Flint


  • D


  • JE
    Julie Eaklor

    #1 (left)

  • MB
    Mary Bowden


  • KM
    Karen Martin

    Looks pretty unanimous for #1. I agree! – it’s a prettier key, old fashion looking, like genealogy! It stands out more. The other looks a bit like someone shot something into your screen. And I like the old fashioned looking keyhole as well.

  • KL
    Karen Loppnow

    #1 or left

  • MD
    Mollie Dove


  • RS
    Ricky Stephen LeBlanc


  • MS
    Marilyn Sliva

    #1 for sure, but I’d like the top of the key to be a little smaller, lol. Aren’t you glad you asked us, Geoff?

  • JP
    Jon Patton

    2 cleaner and gives the impression of unlocking the secretes of Legacy software.

  • FB
    Fiona Brooker

    #2…which seems to go against the flow. I think this is a stronger image and could be improved a little with a slightly darker key and keyhole.

  • P

    It’s close. #1’s color scheme is sharp, crisp and eye catching. The key location tells you what you’re about to read and experience will be rewarding. But, the key is to ornate and distracts from a new fresh look of the screen. If I have to pick from the two #1 has a better over all look.

  • TA
    Tricia Alexander

    Number 1 on the left. More appealing.

  • M


  • ML
    Mary Lou Gravatt


  • HS
    Helen Smith

    1 is cleaner, more artistic, doesn’t obscure the tree and has the touch of the past.

  • J

    #1 on left

  • P

    #1 – no question for me!

  • K

    I like #1 the best. 🙂

  • S


  • E


  • PC
    Peg Chute


  • NP
    Nancy paget

    Left, no. 1

  • E

    #1 all the way!

  • J

    # 1

  • JH
    Jeff Hayes

    #1 is the best

  • MC
    M Conroy

    Vote for #1 — #2 makes it look like you are locking the family detail possibly for future generations 🙂

  • MG
    Marlene Gordon

    #1 it’s clearer

  • RM
    Rolf Maxa


  • SB
    Sue Burns


  • JI
    Janet Iles

    #1 left

  • RW
    Ray Weiland

    #1 Left — key is more “ornate” and makes me want to see what is on the screen. #2 draws my attention to the key – distracts as to what is on the screen. Good Luck Geoff!

  • D

    Left 1

  • DB
    Doris Beck

    Left 1

  • JM
    J McCrae


  • D


  • GM
    Ginger Muenster

    #1 but it is close

  • C

    #1 – it’s inserted into neutral space instead of the pedigree sheet or the keyboard. It made me nervous drilled into space where I didn’t want holes!

  • L

    #1 I like that you can see the tree without obstruction. The key looks very elegant too!

  • LC
    L C

    #1 as the fancy antique key indicates that the contents will involve something historical, and being to the side of the screen it does not detract from the overall impression.

  • LH
    Linda hodges

    Bolder letters of number 2, with the key placement of number 1….lol is that an option???

  • LC
    Lovelyn Campbell


  • JB
    Janet Black


  • BG
    Bob Gowan


  • JF
    jim flechsenhaar

    #1 (left)

  • JF
    jim flechsenhaar

    #1 (left) IMO it looks elegant symbolizes unlocking Legacy and is eye catching while not hindering the screenshot of the program,

  • BB
    Barbara Bishop

    #1 Looks cleaner and neat

  • R


  • CH
    Cheri Hudson Passey


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