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2 New Legacy QuickGuides Now Available – Sweden and West Virginia

2 New Legacy QuickGuides Now Available – Sweden and West Virginia

Legacy QuickGuidesTM have quickly become one of the more popular resources for genealogists. Each guide contains four (sometimes five, sometimes more) pages of valuable information covering a variety of genealogy research topics, dozens of clickable links, and are written by genealogists and family historians who are experts in the subject areas. We've added two brand new Legacy QuickGuides: Swedish Genealogy by Ralph Kjellgren and West Virginia Genealogy by Peggy Clemens Lauritzen. Now choose from 96 Legacy QuickGuides!

Swedish Genealogy Swedish Genealogy - 2.95  

The Swedish emigration to America started in the early 19th century. At the end of the 1860s, Sweden experienced bad harvests due to weather conditions. This, in combination with religious intolerance, calling ups for military services, high population growth and poverty, resulted in more than more than 1.5 million Swedes emigrating to America after the US Civil War.
In the US 1880 Census, the number of “svensk-amerikaner” (Americans of Swedish descent) was about 800,000. Around 1900 Chicago had the second largest Swedish population of any city in the world; only Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, had more.
The Swedish Genealogy Legacy QuickGuide™ contains valuable research strategy to help you find your Swedish ancestors. This handy 6-page PDF guide can be used on your computer or mobile device for anytime access.

West Virginia West Virginia Genealogy - 2.95  

To be successful in your West Virginia research, you must first begin with the state of Virginia. West Virginia may be known as the northernmost southern state, or the southernmost northern state. With the land originally belonging to Virginia, heightened feelings during the American Civil War, along with the decision to not secede from the Union separated fifty counties from Virginia. The state of West Virginia was created 20 Jun 1863, and is known as “The Mountain State”, for good reason.

Looking to find those elusive Mountain State ancestors? The West Virginia Genealogy Legacy QuickGuide™ contains useful information including a timeline of West Virginia history events, tips on West Virginia research strategy, outline of major migration routes, and more. Also included are links to websites and resources covering vital records, church records, census records, as well as general West Virginia resources. This handy 8-page PDF guide can be used on your computer or mobile device for anytime access.


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