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Two New Featurettes

Two New Featurettes


Every so often the developers will sneak a little something in an update. They have been rather generous lately. In A Surprise Easter Egg I told you about one such feature. It got its own article because it was a fairly big feature. I have a couple more I want to tell you about that are a tad smaller but still very cool. They aren't quite big enough to be features so they are featurettes. 

If you go to Reports > Other Reports > Name Tags you will now see that there are options to include Only Living Individuals, Only Dead Individuals, or Living or Dead. Before it was all or nothing. Why is this important? You can restrict it to living individuals for things like name tags for reunions or you can restrict it to dead individuals (or both) if you are wanting to make labels for file folders. The Name Tags report just became more useful.

If you go to View > Master Lists > Surname, highlight a surname, and then click Show List over on the right, you now get a dialog box asking you if you want to Exclude Married Names and/or Exclude AKAs. This is something that will help our One Name Study people tremendously. You can now restrict the list to just those persons born with that surname.

Normally updates are for bug fixes and upgrades are for new features but every so often something slips in.

Michele Simmons Lewis, CG® is part of the Legacy Family Tree team at MyHeritage. She handles the enhancement suggestions that come in from our users as well as writing for Legacy News. You can usually find her hanging out on the Legacy User Group Facebook page answering questions and posting tips.

Comments (3)

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  • JZ
    Judd Zandstra

    Nice report. Didn’t know it existed. You might want to explain some of the other lesser know reports in future articles.

  • M

    There is a suggestion in our tracker for the programmers to consider this issue. However, there are some problems with it as far as exports (gedcoms). It is always better to err on the side of caution and keep people living until you know for a fact that they are deceased or until they reach a certain age (I have my options in Legacy set at 115).

  • DJ
    David J

    I would like to see this easy update happen – a choice of Living, Dead or Unknown. Sometimes when you have a date of birth which makes the person 80+, they could still be living, or, sadly, deceased, and many times, unknown. Would be a great addition to an update

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