Tuesday's Tips provide brief how-to's to help you learn to use the Legacy Family Tree software with new tricks and techniques.
Color Coding Gender (Beginner)
In my personal file boys are blue, girls are pink, and those persons with an unknown gender are green.
You will see these colors on the Name List, Search Lists, the Index View, Descendant View, Pedigree View, Children's List and Siblings List. You can change these colors to whatever you like or you can removed the colors completely (black text for all genders).
Starting in the Family View, Go to Options > Change Colors. A pink dialog box will appear. You can ignore that box for now.
Now LEFT click in the Children's List area and you will see a new popup.
I love color so I really like all of the color customization options that Legacy has.
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Michele Simmons Lewis, CG® is part of the Legacy Family Tree team at MyHeritage. She handles the enhancement suggestions that come in from our users as well as writing for Legacy News. You can usually find her hanging out on the Legacy User Group Facebook page answering questions and posting tips.
You can use any colors you wish but you only have three choices for gender, male, female, and unknown.
You record the gender at birth. Anything that happens after that is an event in their life. A gender change is no different than a name change. For example, one of my close relatives went to court and had his name legally changed to something completely different than his birth name. He is recorded under his birth name in my file but then I added a legal name change event and I added his new name as an AKA. He had children after his name change and they carry his new surname. When you look at the family in the Family View his surname is different than his children but that is perfectly okay because everything is explained in events and notes.
Here is a nifty trick. In reports/charts if you want their new name displayed it is very easy to do. On the AKA screen there is a Swap button. You can swap their AKA for their birth name, run the report, and then swap them back.