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Tuesday’s Tip – Linking to Parents (Beginner)

Tuesday’s Tip – Linking to Parents (Beginner)

TT - Linking to Parents

Tuesday's Tips provide brief how-to's to help you learn to use the Legacy Family Tree software with new tricks and techniques.

Tuesday's Tip – Linking to Parents (Beginner)

If you need to link someone in your file to a set of parents that you already have, you don't want to make the mistake of linking to the father and then to the mother. You will end up creating ghost marriages and your child will not be linked correctly. If the parents are already linked to each other you must link the child to both of them at the same time. 

With the child in the Family View, right click in the parents' area and then choose Link to Parents.

Link to Parents

(click image to enlarge)


The Marriage List will come up. Highlight the correct set of parents and then click the Select button.

Marriage List

(click image to enlarge)


And now you will see the correct set of parents displayed.

Parents are now linked

(click image to enlarge)


You can do this in the reverse. With the parents in the Family View, right click in the Children's area and select Link to an Existing Son (Daughter).

Link to an existing son

(click image to enlarge)


This time the Name List will come up. Select the child you want to link and then click the Select button.

Name List

(click image to enlarge)


And now the child will be linked correctly.

Child is now linked

(click image to enlarge)


In the next Tuesday's Tip I will show you how to link to a single parent.


Find tech tips every day in the Facebook Legacy User Group. The group is free and is available to anyone with a Facebook account.

For video tech tips check out the Legacy Quick Tips page.  These short videos will make it easy for you to learn all sort of fun and interesting ways to look at your genealogy research.


Michele Simmons Lewis, CG® is part of the Legacy Family Tree team at MyHeritage. She handles the enhancement suggestions that come in from our users as well as writing for Legacy News. You can usually find her hanging out on the Legacy User Group Facebook page answering questions and posting tips.


Comments (14)

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  • ML
    Michele Lewis

    RIGHT click any child and then select VIEW and the DEselect SHOW 1/2 KIDS.

  • JB
    Joe Brazil

    A mother has been married 3 times yet all her children show up under each father. Can I have it so only the children of that particular father show up? When you right click on ‘childrens list’ you then see the children fathered by that particular man. In one case when the mother listed with husband # 2, 4 of the children listed (as 1/2 siblings) were born after father #2 had passed away and were fathered by father # 3. Hope I’ve made the question clear enough.

  • M

    You can add a placeholder child to the grandparents that will act as the parent for the grandchildren. You can just leave their given name blank. It is possible that you already have this child linked to the grandparents. If you figure that out later you can just merge the child into the existing one.

  • LB
    Louise Booth

    How do I link a child to grandparents when I don’t know who the parents are? Relationship to grandparents comes in Scottish 1841 and 1851 censuses.

  • LK
    Louise Knight

    How do I know if I have linked children and parents incorrectly in the past? Is there a way to check?

  • KS
    Kathy Smuz

    Michele, this is sooo helpful! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve linked a child to the wrong parents (especially when one has married 2 or 3 times), or linked them twice, or whatever. Now I can do it easily. Thanks!!

  • M

    If you know the birth surname of the siblings you would simply add their surname as a placeholder for their father
    If these are sisters and you don’t know their birth surname I use a place holder of [—?—] for their father. Their birth surname will also be [—?—]. Their married surnames will be AKAs.

  • JM
    Judy M

    How do I link to siblings where parents are unknown?

  • M

    Deborah and Roger,
    I will do an article on how to link to two sets of parents. Next week’s Tip is on how to link to a single parent so it will be the week after that 🙂

  • R

    My great-father’s biological father is not the person to whom his mother was married when he was born. How do I handle that?

  • DA
    Deborah A Mayes

    A good tip would also be how to link a child to both his birth parents and to a step-parent.

  • M

    Tune in next Tuesday! I do a step-by-step with screenshots on how to link to a single person 🙂

  • JZ
    Judd Zandstra

    So what’s the correct way to link a child to parents where, in the case of an illegitimate child, you first know the mother and then at some later date discover the father?

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