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Legacy Tip: Alarm Clock

Legacy Tip: Alarm Clock

If you’re like a lot of genealogists, you get your best work done during the middle of the night.  There comes a point that we should really get to bed – so we’ll have enough energy to spend another full day doing genealogy. (Now wouldn’t that be ideal!)

Legacy’s built-in Alarm Center lets you set a pop-up alarm reminding you to go to bed, pick up the kids, or anything you need.

To use the alarm feature, you must first set the activation time and message:

  1. Click on the Options menu and select the Alarm Setting option.  (You can also click on the time indicator at the bottom of the main window.)
  2. Specify the alarm display time by setting the hour, minutes and AM-PM indicator. 
  3. Turn the alarm on by clicking ON
  4. Specify the Snooze time.  This is the number of minutes before the alarm message is displayed again if Snooze is clicked.
  5. Enter a message to be displayed when the alarm is activated.  This could be a reminder, such as writing that letter to Aunt Mary, or it could be just a note telling yourself that it’s late and you have to go to work tomorrow. . . .
  6. When everything is set correctly, click OK.

When the alarm time is reached (according to the system time set in your computer), the Alarm Message window displays the current time and  message.   You can choose to work a little longer by clicking Snooze, turn the alarm off, reset the alarm to the same time tomorrow or reset the alarm to a new time.


Comments (4)

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  • KM
    Kent Myrick

    I just learned about the Alarm function. It WOULD be a very useful thing to have, only I can’t find any way to make it work!
    The instructions are simple enough, but nothing happens when the time comes. And my display does not look like the one shown here. There’s a Snooze timer all right, but no way to turn it on or off.

  • JG
    Jean Gobel

    By all means, something audible. It could be a default sentence like “Hello, Jean. Here’s your Legacy reminder.” It needs to say “Legacy” to differentiate it for those of us who have “Say the Time” installed.

  • N

    I have been having the same problem as June. Since upgrading to 6 the alarm no longer works properly. I cannot see my message and it also freezes everything up for 60 seconds. BTW, where is the snooze button?

  • JM
    June McDonald

    The alarm is good to have but the one problem I have found with it is that on ocassions it pops up but is behind another screen (it doesn’t come to the front) and so I haven’t seen it. It either needs to have an audible signal or come to the front to be fully functional.

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