Jan Gow is am going to teach a Legacy Beginners class to folk at Whangaparaoa. She will be there anyway on 21 Feb so the first one will be then. They may come down to Auckland for the second and perhaps the third or Jan will go up there.
A course of Beginners Legacy classes will start on 21 Feb in Whangaparaoa. There will be 3 2-hour sessions. The second lesson will be at the NZSG rooms in Panmure, Auckland, daytime. Car pooling will be arranged and time to research at the NZSG Library will be available. The third meeting may be in Panmure or not, as students wish.
Cost will be somewhere between $30 and $40 for the course. Places may be limited. Anyone interested, please email jangow@genealogy.net.nz .
If anyone in Auckland area would be interested in attending some Legacy Beginner’s Classes – please email Jan – she will see what she can arrange! Classes would be at the NZSG rooms. Daytime would be best, or Sunday. The rooms are busy now, so may not be able to start straight away.
AUCKLAND MEETING – 25 February 2006
Venue is the room at the NZSG, 159 Queens Road, Panmure, Auckland.
Suggestions to be included in the agenda:
1 All those suggestions that you send in to me now.
2 Probably something related to Legacy 6
3 Questions and help with Legacy problems.
4 and anything else that comes up.
Auckland Meeting (as usual) 6:00pm through to 10:00pm.
Meeting to start by 6:30pm.
$5.00 (to cover costs). Tea/coffee/biscuits available.
KAPITI MEETING – 25 February 2006
The next meeting of the Kapiti New Zealand Legacy Users Group will be held on Saturday 25 February 2006.
At the Masonic Hall in Tararua Street in Paraparaumu (on the east of the railway line). (If lost on the day please ring Gerald Twiss on 021 151 6714.)
The entry charge is $3.00 (To pay for hall hire, tea and coffee)
The hall will be open at 1.00 p.m. for a cup of tea or coffee (particularly for those people who have travelled some distance), to get the room set up and for informal chat.
The day’s programme will start at 2.00p.m. The programme for the meeting is:
Locations, Filing, brief AGM
We welcome everyone interested in using the Legacy programme to record their family history, regardless of their level of expertise, and look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
For further information contact; gero@ihug.co.nz
Everyone welcome
Auckland: 25 February 2006, 27 May 2006, 26 August 2006 and 25 November 2006. Anoher day being investigated, probably Sunday – watch this space.
Kapiti: 25 February 2006 Locations Filing brief AGM, 29 April 2006 Searching and Tagging, 24 June 2006 Sources and backing up your files, 26 August 2006
Events To Do items Photographs, 28 October 2006 Presenting your Legacy Data – webpages publishing centre reports, December 2006 (probably first
weekend – to be advised) Workshop with Jan Gow (to be confirmed). Pass this invitation on to others, including those who are not yet users.
1 A group has been meeting four times a year in Auckland since 29 October 2000. The Convenor is Jan Gow and she can be contacted at 09 521 1518 or email jangow@genealogy.net.nz with LUG meeting as the subject. Meetings will be on the fourth Saturday in the months of February, May, August and November.
2 A group formed in Kapiti on 31 January 2004. They aim to meet about two monthly. Any enquiries to the contact person (via e-mail) gero@ihug.co.nz. Meetings will generally be on the the fourth Saturday of alternate months, being January, March, May, July, September and November (but 2005 each other month).
The Auckland and Kapiti groups are "informal" and anyone can attend the meetings, with door charges rather than subscriptions. The Legacy Users NZ email circulation is available for any and all such group, with the users on a national rather than regional basis. If anyone else is interested in participating in a regional/local group let me know and I will see if there are others.
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