from the National Genealogical Society:
Periodically we all need to refresh our skills in genealogical research or learn new ones. The National Genealogical Society’s Learning Center is currently offering a special discounted pricing on the NGS research-intensive Home Study Course. Now exclusively available as a CD, this course is recommended by the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG). For more information please visit our website at
The revised course, issued in 2005, includes:
- detailed instruction on genealogical subjects,
- evidence analysis,
- source citation examples and explanations,
- bibliographies and reference lists,
- strategies for conducting genealogical research on the Internet, in libraries, and in archives,
- new detailed instructions on newspaper research, censuses, vital records, migrations, and writing short biographies on ancestors,
- self-correcting exams,
- samples of the assignments showing how they should be completed, and
- online mail list for advice and research help.
Issued on three CDs, contents include:
CD #1, issued January 2005
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Family Traditions and Family Records
Lesson 3: Interviews, Correspondence, and Queries
Lesson 4: Library Resources
Lesson 5: Census Records
Lesson 6: Vital Records
CD #2, issued May 2005:
Lesson 7: Church and Cemetery Records
Lesson 8: Probate and Other Court Records
Lesson 9: State and Federal Land Records
Lesson 10: Local Land and Tax Records
Lesson 11: Migration Studies & Resources
CD#3, issued December 2005
Lesson 12: Passenger Arrival Records
Lesson 13: Naturalization Records
Lesson 14: Military and Veterans Benefit Records
Lesson 15: Interpreting and Evaluating Evidence
Lesson 16: What Next? Write The Story
HomeStudy Course Bundled Special (Buy CD 1, 2 and 3 together and save)
Visit to purchase or for more information.
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