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George Morgan’s “Along Those Lines” column

George Morgan’s “Along Those Lines” column

For over eight years, thousands of genealogists have looked forward to George Morgan’s Along Those Lines column at Ancestry. When Ancestry recently changed to its new Ancestry Weekly Journal and its 24/7 Family History Circle, they discontinued George’s column.

Fortunately, articles in Along Those Lines are still archived here. George has taken it a step further. He will continue publishing his columns in his new blog. Here is an excerpt from the first of his articles:

This week in "Along Those Lines …", I want to discuss an issue that has bothered me for the past five years but which I have been unable to voice in previous columns in the "Ancestry Daily News" and on the Web site. It is the closure of access to public records. Ancestry was reluctant to print a column I wrote on this topic two years ago, and I actually received a call from their legal department. I was informed that California had ‘requested’ that remove the California Death Index from its database collection or that the state would seek to take legal action to force its removal. I could easily understand that and its parent company,, Inc., didn’t want to throw fuel on that particular fire and I readily acquiesced. However, this is the time for another look at what is happening, especially since we are in yet another major mid-term election year in the U.S.

Continue reading this article, and update your bookmarks to George’s new blog, at

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