What is it?
The Ancestry Card Catalog is a way to search all of Ancestry’s 25,000+ database titles. Now it is even easier to find the database you are looking for. Search by title and/or keyword to narrow a search or focus on a particular record type. Additionally, searches can be limited to a particular time period or geographic region you’re researching. There is even an option to search by the date that the database was last updated to see what new additions exist.
How do I find it?
Go to the Search tab on Ancestry.com and click on the “Card Catalog” link on the right hand side of the page under the section “Search Resources”. (http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/alldblist.aspx)
The catalog can also be found by clicking on the “list all databases” link in the lower right hand corner of the Search page on Ancestry .com.
Big Benefits? Yes!
- No longer have to browse through our databases, you can search them!
- Find databases you never knew we had
- See what databases have been recently updated
- Focus on a particular time period, record type, and/or geographic region to find the database you need
- Forgot the name of a database that you searched recently, but remember it contained the word “Louisiana” in the title…simply use the card catalog to search and find it again!
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