Quick tip from the Genealogy Daily Calendar (used with permission):

Do not be too quick to assume that because a record lists a person’s name as John Smith Jr., that he is the son of John Smith.

This could indicate that there was another John Smith in the area (imagine that!), and that he was the younger, or even a nephew. This term was often used to differentiate two persons of the same name.

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  • RM
    Roger McFarland

    Many times I encounter records which list John Smith Sr. (or its equivalent). I am concerned because John Smith did not become “senior” until there was a John Smith Jr., and here we are giving his name an addition which really does not belong. Most research records will not list a John Smith Sr. What do you think? An additional thought and question — when there is a John Smith the second (or third, etc.)what abbreviation should be used for “second” in his record. Should it be capital II (which in some fonts look much like 11 (eleven), or should it be 2nd, or even “second”? There also needs to be some light shed on what is the difference between a John Smith Jr. and a John Smith the second.

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