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Historical UK ship passenger records now online

Historical UK ship passenger records now online

from The National Archives, January 10, 2007:

From today everybody will be able to access the first comprehensive database of passenger lists from ships departing the UK on long-distance voyages to destinations including North America, Australia, India and South Africa between 1890 and 1960.

This new online resource has been developed by one of the leading UK-based family history websites in association with The National Archives.  The passenger record series BT 27 covering 1890 – 1899 will go live from today, followed by the remaining decades between 1900 and 1960 over the next six months.

The database will enable would-be genealogists and family historians alike to view digitised images of the original ship passenger records online, which contain over 1.5 million pages, listing the 30 million passengers who travelled on long-distance journeys from UK ports.

The new resource includes passenger records from the period of mass migration between 1890 and 1914 when an estimated average of 131,000 people emigrated from Great Britain to other parts of the globe every year.

New Discoveries
These invaluable records will also provide a new avenue of research for people who have come to a ´brick wall´ in their family tree research using UK records. As well as every ship passenger record containing the names of each passenger, the name of the ship, the date and UK port of departure and the destination port, the records may also include the address, age, marital status, occupation and nationality of each passenger, providing invaluable details that could help uncover more branches of a family tree and further insights into a family´s history.

Comments (4)

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  • NC
    Noel Crook

    Thank you for Passenger Lists.Have found my Father Walter Jones, a Barnado boy, shipped to Canada in 1894.Great

  • BM
    Bob Millman

    Would be some time, if ever. Currently only 1880-1890 on the sight and they will probably finish to 1960 before considering earlier info, if it is available. Was advised some time ago be Archives that early passenger lists were normally held by shipping companies only.

  • MB
    Margaret Bowers

    Just what I’m k=looking for.

  • PF
    Peggy Fleischmann

    Does anyone know when they will be doing the same for earlier years? So far all my ancestors came over between 1800 and 1870.

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