Genealogists wanting access to UK census records have a 100-year waiting period. We recently wrote about the early release of the 1911 census.
Now Downing Street is encouraging UK residents/citizens to sign an e-petition to reduce the classified period for census data from 100 years to 70 years. They wrote:
This would allow census information from 1911, 1921 and 1931 to be used by the general public researching their family history in the absense (or failing memories) of their elderly relatives. Birth, Marriage and Death information is already available so why is information about where people lived hidden.
To date, just over 9,000 electronic signatures have been collected. The deadline to sign up is March 8, 2007. Visit the petition at
I think when they promised to keep the 1911 Census private, times were a WHOLE lot different then and it was definitely more of a matter of life and death than it is now.