Does this sound familiar?
Genealogy begins as an interest,
Becomes a hobby;
Continues as an avocation,
Takes over as an obsession,
And in its last stages,
Is an incurable disease.– Author unknown
Does this sound familiar?
Genealogy begins as an interest,
Becomes a hobby;
Continues as an avocation,
Takes over as an obsession,
And in its last stages,
Is an incurable disease.– Author unknown
A fellow genealogist told me that when her family was riding in the car and her kids saw a cemetery up ahead they would yell “Dad – faster, faster!”, so there would be no way they could stop.
My grown-up kids reaction to someone asking me how the genealogy is coming by rolling their eyes, and quietly muttering “Please don’t get her started, Please don’t get her started”.
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Here in Wisconsin, during deer hunting season, wives whose husbands have gone hunting are referred to as “deer widows”. At our house, my husband is referred to as a “genealogy widower”.