Baptized before birth? Buried before death? Born 100 years after parents were married? Legacy Family Tree’s Potential Problems report can check your family tree for these kind of mistakes.
Just click on Tools > Potential Problems, select your options, and click on Create Problems List.
My problems ain’t “Potential”, and I know who created the most important of them. ;-D
As a new user I’m hoping Legacy will help me sort things out, and keep track of things as I figure out the mysteries.
My Great-Granny, on my Mom’s side, married 3 men in 8 years, and apparently 5 men total, over 17 years, having 3 kids in wedded bliss, and 1, um, outside the bonds of matrimony (maybe).
That 1? My Grandfather. ;-D
I’m paying for my Uncle, the mans only surviving child, to have a DNA Test in the next few weeks, so we can make some progress in sorting this tangle out. ;-D
Oh, um, Great-Granny found lasting happiness, it seems, with #5.
They were married at least 15 years, and she outlived him by many years, as she did all her hubbys, and all but possibly 1 of her kids.
She died in her 80’s. ;-D
Rumor has it she was morking on landing hubby #6 right to the very end…but that’s only rumor. ;-D