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UK Outbound Passenger Lists 1890-1929

UK Outbound Passenger Lists 1890-1929

If your ancestor left the British Isles between 1890-1929, you can now search for their passenger lists online., in association with The National Archives, is actively indexing and publishing the images of the BT27 Outward Passenger Lists for long-distance voyages leaving the British Isles from 1960 back to 1890. To date, records cover 1890-1929.

What type of voyages are included?
BT27 includes long-haul voyages to destinations outside Britain and Europe. While countries such as Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa and USA feature strongly, all continents are covered and you can find passengers on ships sailing to all parts of Asia, the Caribbean, South America and West Africa.

Searching the index is free, but to view the transcripts or images of the actual records requires a reasonable fee. To learn more and to begin searching, visit

Comments (2)

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  • CA
    C Abrehamsen

    I have been informed of UK Outbound Passenger Lists 1890-1929 recently via your newsletter. I have been to the site and have found my mother under her maiden name list as a passenger leaving Liverpool in 1939 destined to Canada? However she arrived in New Zealand. The ship may have docked in NZ along the way though? Anyway I was very pleased to find one Ex France/ England migration. Keep up the excellent resource.

  • CM
    Charly Moore

    Are there CREW lists? I have a Norwegian who crewed on a ship out of Australia that I just can’t find on the lists?

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