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FGS Conference – Legacy v7 Demonstrations

FGS Conference – Legacy v7 Demonstrations

If you are going to be in Fort Wayne, Indiana, August 15-18, please visit the Legacy Family Tree booths (721, 723) where we will be demonstrating our sneak peek of Legacy v7. This major new upgrade, to be released later this year, introduces some of the most exciting features and enhancements ever. We’d love your feedback.

If you have been waiting to view our new MagnaBrite magnifiers in person, we’ll have those there too. But come early on in the conference, because we can never seem to bring enough of them. For a description and pictures of our new magnifiers, please click here.

Other physical products that we will have available for purchase include:

Comments (8)

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  • RK
    Roger Kiddle

    Will V7 be available as a download to existing V6 De Luxe users, and what will be the cost?

  • VW
    Virginia Wegenast

    I have submitted this request before, but would like very much for version 7 to include a drop down menue of the the last 5 sources used that could be added to the current event by clicking on one, 2 or all of them.
    very seldom am I ever working on information that has the same 2 or 3 sources for each individual, although might have one the same.

  • FS
    Frederik Sørensen

    Can this version (7) live on a U3 flash drive?

  • PM
    Peter Mercer

    A few suggestions.
    I have a number of people in my tree with same surname, however they are not all from the same side of the family. Could the name search be made to distingish family groups ?
    Also on the name search I would love the ability to filter results by forname and surname not just one or the other.
    The next request might be a tad more difficult. I love the ability to change the display, I have opted for showning AKA,Birth,Death,Res,Occ but because the residence and occupation come from the events it also defaults to the first it finds so most of the records just display Scholar rather than their final occupation. I love the ability to show this information but wish it was possible to tailor what was shown.
    Finally just my normal gripe that all the searchs and reference materials are setup for America. I presume this is your main market but I am always singing your products praises to follows of mine, only to have it dismissed as being american. I seems to be a big thing recently as some of your rivals have started sticking English flags on the products declaring that they are English versions.
    Kind regards

  • WB
    WEndy Bennett

    Will V7 have a facility for unmarried couples who have a long term relationship and children, or father named on birth cert, ‘common law partners’ and common law partners now separated. More facilities should be available for couples who choose not to get married but have a long term relationship.

  • TL
    Tom Luke

    Question which some of us have been asking since Version 4 ?
    “Will Version 7 have roles ?
    Hope so this time.

  • KT
    Kellie Thompson

    You can already document adoptions in version 6.
    Simply add both sets of parents to the child. Then, display the parents list for the child.
    From there, the “Relationship to father” and the “Relationship to mother” drop down boxes will let you specify adopted or biological for each set of parents.
    The relationship information will appear on reports.

  • PP
    Pat Pate

    So is the new version going to have something about adoption? I can’t find anything in the online help or print documentation about adopted individuals.

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