Want to have access to over 2.5 million rolls of microfilm? From home? For free? And all indexed?
The Family History Library is working on the "from home" "for free" parts, but you can help with the indexing. Best of all, you can choose which project you want to help index. Until recently, the 1900 U.S. census was the main project, but FamilySearch has now made projects available for Canada and Germany. Below is the current list of available indexing projects:
- 1871 Canadian Census
- 1819 Mecklenburg Census
United States
- 1900 U.S. Census
- Arkansas Marriages
- Boston State Census 1855, 1865
- Freedman Letters
- Indiana Marriages
- Ohio Tax Records
- Revolutionary War Pensions and Land Warrants
- Salt Lake County Births
- Salt Lake County Deaths
- West Virginia Marriages
Upcoming Projects
- 1930 Mexico Census
- 1850 U.S. Census
- Irish Civil Registration
How to Get Started
- Visit www.FamilySearchIndexing.org.
- Create an account by clicking on the Volunteer button.
- Install the software by clicking on the Install Now button.
- Start indexing.
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