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Legacy Tip: How To Create a Custom Report

Legacy Tip: How To Create a Custom Report

Recently a major new database was published online for Missouri researchers. The Missouri State Archives announced that the Missouri Death Certificates from 1910-1957 were now indexed, linked, and available for free online searching.

Since some of my ancestors died in Missouri, I now want to search for and obtain the death certificates I lacked. Using Legacy Family Tree’s search tools, it was easy to identify those ancestors who died during this time period in Missouri.

  1. In Legacy, click on the Search button in the main toolbar.
  2. Enter the criteria as shown in the image below.
  3. Click on the Create List button.

The resulting list is a list of everyone in your family file that died in Missouri between 1910-1957, and will likely have a death certificate in the database.


How to print the search list

  1. From the Search List (which is just a filtered version of the Name List), click on the Print button at the bottom.
  2. Select the desired fields to be included in the report. (See image below.)
  3. Click on the Preview button to see what the report will look like before you print it, or the Print button to print immediately.


Notice in the Optional Fields section, Relationship is one of the choices. However, it is not one of the default choices. To select other optional fields:

  1. Click on the Customize button.
  2. Click on the button with 3 dots next to a field name that you would like to replace.
  3. Click on the desired field name, and click Select.
  4. Click Close.
  5. Make sure there is a check mark next to the new field.

To change the report title, click on the Options tab, and type the desired title.


Comments (5)

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  • MY
    Marli Yoder

    I’m confused. I tried the search with the info I wanted and got too many results (more cemeteries). (I’m trying to seach only for Event name: Cemetery, Event Description: contains Section, Event Location: contains Sts. Peter & ) When I do this it says no names to list. Yours seemed so simple
    Thanks for the info

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Michael, I wondered if anyone would notice that. These additional tabs will be included in version 7.

  • M

    I see five tabs on the screen “Search” in your example, but I see three tabs only in my version of Legacy ( How can I display Missing Sources and Missing Information?

  • JC
    John Cate

    Thank you for a good synopsis of how to easily create custom reports. Please continue with items like this.

  • R

    terrific post> please do more like this

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