If you have a digital camera or a scanner, this book (available for download) is a must-have. It explains all the rules and "mine fields" for digital imaging. Learn about easier scanning, using sound, digital cameras, video and GPS, making digital scrapbooks, creating hard-bound books, preservation & archiving, and much more.
*Only $14.95 until April 30! You save 25%. No special coupons required.
Written by Heritage Collector Suite’s Marlo Schuldt, Digital Family History Guidebook includes over 200 pages in the following chapters:
Chapter 1 – Where to Begin?
Are you frustrated trying to determine the best place to start organizing all your family history photos and files? The Guidebook will provide you with some easy and logical ways to get started. Doing it right the first time will save time, money and frustration later.
Chapter 2 – Easier Scanning
Quality scans make a big difference when printing or zooming in on photos later. Step-by-step instructions are included such as the five most important steps to a great scan and more.
Chapter 3 – Using Sound and Narration
Using sound is easier than you think. All you need is an inexpensive microphone or a cable to attached to your cassette recorder. Use a microphone to tell stories, create oral histories. Learn to edit your narrations.Copy the priceless old cassette tapes to your computer with recordings of grandma or other family members. Save time, money and get better quality by doing it yourself. Internet links are provided for free sound editing software.
Chapter 4 – Digital Cameras, Video and GPS Managing and finding your photos later and suggestions for buying a new camera are included . Converting Old Home Movies – do’s,& don’ts. Read this chapter BEFORE you invest a lot of money getting your old movies converted to a DVD.Why You Need to Start Using GPS. New and fun things you can do – free software links. Adding screen captures of satellite images is both fun and adds realism to family history.
Chapter 5 – Digital Scrapbooking Presents a different perspective about how to take advantage of new technology and samples of how to create digital scrapbooks. Something new and very different from traditional scrapbooking.
Chapter 6 – Interactive Storytelling Stories are a real treat and the spice of life. This chapter offers some excellent suggestions that will help you put new life into old stories. You will discover some new ways to tell stories and make them more interesting. Mixed Media Collections. Are you struggling with how to organize ALL your materials – photos, sound files, video clips, text documents, PDFs and other file types? The Guidebook will show you how to make your file collections more useful and organized.
Chapter 7 – Creating a Bound History Ways to save money and things you need to know and avoid BEFORE you begin. What’s Paper grain? Have you even opened a book that resisted staying open? Have you seen a book with a broken or cracked spine? These are few of the symptoms of a book that has been printed and bound with the paper grain running in the wrong direction. There is much more you need to know. Chapter 7 takes you through each step required to create a beautiful history or biography. Checklists and simplified instructions will make it easy.
Chapter 8 – Preserving & Archiving Ways to find and protect your treasures while saving hard drive space. Don’t wait until you have a hard drive crash or a virus attacks your computer.
Chapter 9 – Understanding Your Computer Basic computer terminology is explained in everyday terms. Computer hardware is explained. If you are gong to buy a new computer you need to read this chapter first. Suggestions for maintaining your computer.
*Only $14.95 until April 30! You save 25%. No special coupons required.
* Available as an electronic book only (PDF).
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