Legacy 7.0 Deluxe Edition Users
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Legacy 7.0 Standard Edition Users
Standard Edition users are required to visit our web site in order to download the new update.
SourceWriter – added 150 new source templates and made a few improvements with citations. Here are some of the new templates that were added:
Channel Islands
1841 census
1851 census
1861 census
1871 census
1881 census
1891 census
1901 census
1841 census
1851 census
1861 census
1871 census
1881 census
1891 census
1901 census
Birth certificates from General Register Office
Birth certificates from local register office
Marriage certificates from General Register Office
Marriage certificates from local register office
Death certificates from General Register Office
Death certificates from local register office
Isle of Man
1841 census
1851 census
1861 census
1871 census
1881 census
1891 census
1901 census
1841 census
1851 census
1861 census
1871 census
1881 census
1891 census
1901 census
Birth certificates from General Register Office
Birth certificates from local register office
Marriage certificates from General Register Office
Marriage certificates from local register office
Death certificates from General Register Office
Death certificates from local register office
This update also addresses a number of fixes as reported by our users. To view this list, click here.
Here is an example of Step 1 of the updated SourceWriter where you choose the type of source to cite:
Frank, you could simply add a surname as the placeholder for the missing generation, and go from there.