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Legacy Family Tree update now available ( – adds 150 new SourceWriter templates for the UK

Legacy Family Tree update now available ( – adds 150 new SourceWriter templates for the UK

Legacy 7.0 Deluxe Edition Users

If you have Legacy 7.0 Deluxe Edition, connect to the Internet, then start Legacy and click on the "Install and Download Now" link on the Legacy Home tab. (If you’re reading this from within the Legacy Home tab, you’ll first need to click on the Home button in the top left which looks like the following picture:)

Legacy 7.0 Standard Edition Users

Standard Edition users are required to visit our web site in order to download the new update.



  • SourceWriter – added 150 new source templates and made a few improvements with citations. Here are some of the new templates that were added:
    • Channel Islands
      • 1841 census
      • 1851 census
      • 1861 census
      • 1871 census
      • 1881 census
      • 1891 census
      • 1901 census
    • England
      • 1841 census
      • 1851 census
      • 1861 census
      • 1871 census
      • 1881 census
      • 1891 census
      • 1901 census
      • Birth certificates from General Register Office
      • Birth certificates from local register office
      • Marriage certificates from General Register Office
      • Marriage certificates from local register office
      • Death certificates from General Register Office
      • Death certificates from local register office
    • Isle of Man
      • 1841 census
      • 1851 census
      • 1861 census
      • 1871 census
      • 1881 census
      • 1891 census
      • 1901 census
    • Wales
      • 1841 census
      • 1851 census
      • 1861 census
      • 1871 census
      • 1881 census
      • 1891 census
      • 1901 census
      • Birth certificates from General Register Office
      • Birth certificates from local register office
      • Marriage certificates from General Register Office
      • Marriage certificates from local register office
      • Death certificates from General Register Office
      • Death certificates from local register office

This update also addresses a number of fixes as reported by our users. To view this list, click here.

Here is an example of Step 1 of the updated SourceWriter where you choose the type of source to cite:


Comments (15)

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  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Frank, you could simply add a surname as the placeholder for the missing generation, and go from there.

  • FM
    Frank McCollister

    I can’t figure out the best place to put this so feel free to move/adjust as needed. First, I just LOVE my new Legacy 7.0! You guys hit another home run! We just returned from vacation and I forgot to update my laptop to 7.0 before I left. Boy was that a mistake:)
    Now to my question. While on our vacation I found information on a family that is a generation before the line I have entered into my data base. I have yet to find the connecting individual(s) between the two. Would I be better off creating a new family file and entering this information seperately until I find the missing link? If so, and assuming I find the missing person, will Legacy know where to put the information via a merge or will I have to enter the information manually into my existing data base?

  • SD
    Simon Dick

    Thanks for the census templates in 🙂

  • K

    Hey… I sure do like Legacy 7.0. It’s my first time using this software, and I might just switch over to Legacy for good.
    Enhancement suggestions:
    1. Make an option to change all instances of a citation at once (much like your “change all instances of source” option for sources).
    2. A Locations Report where ALL instances of each state are listed together, broken down by state, then county, then city.
    For example:
    I have people born in the following places:
    Cass County, Texas
    Red River, Texas
    Atlanta, Cass County, Texas
    Clarksville, Red River, Texas
    As it stands now, when I produce a Location Report, these places appear alphabetically, which means they can be all over the report rather listed as a group.
    The result is a disjointed list that’s cumbersome to use. Essentially, if you don’t already know where someone was born, you have to read the entire report. A grouped list (such as the following) would be much easier to use.
    Cass County
    Cass County, Atlanta
    Red River County
    Red River County, Clarksville
    Thanks for all your hard work.

  • AF
    Arnie Fletcher

    Thank you for the English census add ons to the source citation list they are a wonderful addition.
    But I have another problem, entering Australian Convict information such as muster lists, certificates of freedom, conditional pardons, ship arrivals and their trial details. Any suggestions on how I would go about entering these details with the new source writer ?

  • DW
    DeAnne Worley

    What is the difference between 7.0 Standard and 7.0 Deluxe?

  • SD
    Simon Dick

    Geoff, thanks, I hoped it may be, but just wanted to make sure as, while I live in England, pretty much all my ancestors lived in Scotland so it’s quite a big isue for me.
    Thanks for the quick feedback!

  • SC
    Sandra Chester

    How exciting to have UK templates added to the source-writer! Thank you. Have I missed the source conversion being added to update the sources we have already got recorded or is it yet to come? I have tried every way I can to accomplish this, but to no avail. However I may be overlooking some simple solution. Could you please help me.
    Thank you.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Alex, it’s actually next on the list….

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Simon – Scotland is next on the list….

  • AF
    Alex Farquhar

    Being a Scot I find everytime that Scotland is omitted from these not just from yourselves but other webs as well, is there a reason for this or does Scotlands poeple have a monopoly on this ???

  • BW
    Blaine Worthen

    Yeah! We’ve been waiting for this! We have been having so much trouble figuring out how to source the England Census records. Thank you!!!

  • SD
    Simon Dick

    So when’s the rest of the UK due? 🙂 I mean Scotland, I’d hoped it’d be part of the UK 😉

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