I admit it. I have the Genealogy Mailbox Blues.
Eleven days ago I ordered a marriage certificate from England. (I wrote about this here.) I know it's still a little soon for the certificate to arrive in my mailbox…but…I just can't wait! I find myself imagining what the certificate will report, and then planning my next research strategies based on what I hope will appear in the envelope. Although I'm now in my 16th year of researching my ancestors, I still have the same excitement and anticipation for what I may or may not find. And so as each day passes without the envelope from the General Register Office in my mailbox, I look for other things to do to take my mind off of this.
Have you experienced similar Genealogy Mailbox Blues?
As I wait, I've noticed my FamilySearch Indexing statistics increase, and I'm actually getting more of my old photos digitized. I've even got a little time to finish my Blogging lecture for this weekend's seminar in Saskatchewan, Canada.
The mail doesn't arrive for another six hours. Guess I'll get back to work…
When ordering BMD certificates from England you may get quicker and more personal service if you contact the registrar of the district where the event was recorded rather than the General Register Office. If you know the correct office, its details including address and telephone number can be found on this DirectGov page http://maps.direct.gov.uk/LDGRedirect/MapAction.do?ref=grolight
I used this method to get a copy of my great uncle’s death record from Yorkshire and the registrar confirmed some extra detail over the phone to make sure I was getting the right certificate before putting it in the post the same day.