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Technology Video Tip – how to add a citation to a digital image

Technology Video Tip – how to add a citation to a digital image

Morganobit At our local genealogy society, I get to teach a four-week beginner's course on using Legacy. At the beginning of each class I present some kind of technology tip. This week I demonstrated how to add a citation to a digital image.

In the video below (a partial recording of yesterday's class), I demonstrated first how to create the perfect citation (using Legacy's SourceWriter and the Source Clipboard) and then how to paste it into the digital image.

Watch the video here.

We previously wrote about this here with step-by-step instructions.

After viewing the video, does anyone else have other suggestions on how to preserve the source of a digital image? Comment below….

Comments (6)

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  • M

    JPG files deteriorate each time you copy them. It is okay to save it as a JPG initially if you take a photo with a camera, say. But after you upload the image to your computer before you make copies of it for anyone you should save the JPG as a PNG (ping) file. PNG files do not deteriorate the same way the image quality does with successive copies of the image. I personally use Adobe Photoshop to convert my files from whatever into a PNG, but other programs may also do the trick.

  • FG
    Frank Glahn

    It is much easier to do this with “Paint” program in PC’s. Just copy the exact obit you need and paste as a new file. Then rotate and add source information in the margin,

  • DW
    Darrell Wesley

    What do you do if the image you are dealing with is a PDF file and not a JPG file.

  • CM
    Catherine McCuistion

    This is a great method for not only adding source information, but also for preserving handwritten information on the backs of photographs. I have scanned in many photos from my great-grandparents and grandparents that have great “stories” on the backs. I was also scanning the backs, but now I can also attach the stories to the images using the backside scans! Thank you!

  • S

    Thanks for this great tip. I’m glad to find another use for my PSE.

  • D

    I use GIMP or IrfanView to do this because they are free, the only other way I know of is embed the information in the photo. But who thinks of looking into the properties of the image for more info 😉

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