I long for the good-ole-days when the only password I had to remember was "Open Sesame". Now I have passwords and user names that I have to remember for all kinds of things – bank accounts, the insurance and credit card companies, genealogy subscription sites, and even my blog accounts. The list does not seem to end. Is this true for anyone else, or do I fight this alone?
It would not be so bad if I could have just one password for everything, but of course, once this password is discovered, I've lost the security for everything.
I am not writing this article to announce that I have a great system for keeping track of all of my passwords. I do have a system, although I'd like more security and I'd like access to my passwords from any computer.
What do you use as your password management system?
- Your memory
- Post-its all over your desk
- Password management software (like RoboForm)
- a text file or word processing document on your computer
- Internet brower's auto-fill feature
- something else?
I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.
I simply keep (and refer to) an open spreadsheet and enter new passwords etc into it in the alpha order of the particular web site. Every time I make a change I save it. My children (all grown) know where it is in case anything happens to me. Presently there’s about 187 user names & passwords entered.