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New – FamilySearch Indexing Newsletter (July 2010) and statistics

New – FamilySearch Indexing Newsletter (July 2010) and statistics

from, reprinted with permission:

FamilySearch Indexing Newsletter, July 2010

In this issue:

  • FamilySearch Launches New Update Newsletter for Indexing
  • More than 300 Million New Records Online
  • FamilySearch Unified Accounts Update
  • Making a Difference
  • FamilySearch Indexing Projects Updates Online

Dear Esteemed Volunteer,

FamilySearch is sending you a new monthly FamilySearch indexing newsletter to keep you informed and connected to new program developments. This monthly update will also include tips and suggestions for improving your skills and personal stories about how indexing is making a difference for those who seek information about their ancestors as well as those who participate in the program.

This inaugural edition of a monthly newsletter demonstrates an increasing desire to better communicate with the volunteers who participate in this wonderful cause of providing access to the world s records online. Each monthly edition will strive to provide you with valuable information and inspiration to improve your indexing experience.

Although newsletters are typically a one-way form of communication, we want to include voices from as many people in the community as possible. We invite you to share your ideas for interesting articles or success stories to help this newsletter reflect the voice of this wonderful program. Your suggestions will help us recognize those topics that are most helpful and interesting to you.

Please send your ideas to

Please be aware that you can also unsubscribe from this newsletter at any time by following the instructions provided at the end of the newsletter. Thank you for your ongoing participation in indexing. We look forward to better serving your needs through improved communication.
FamilySearch Indexing

More than 300 Million New Records Online

Thanks to the past efforts of indexing volunteers like you, more than 150 new collections were made available to FamilySearch patrons within the last month.

FamilySearch volunteers indexed over 120 million records over 300 million new names from original source documents to provide others with access to these records. The massive release was announced at the National Genealogical Society annual conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The records can be found at FamilySearch's Record Search pilot (on, click Search Records, and then click Record Search pilot) or go to Be sure to share the good news with family and friends.

FamilySearch Unified Accounts Update

FamilySearch indexing is grateful for your ongoing patience and support as we continue to improve our system and processes. Unfortunately, progress sometimes creates some disruption along the way. That was the case in March when Indexing was tied to the new unified FamilySearch account system. While the transition and process has been difficult for many, the number of successful account creations and account mergers is encouraging.

If you haven't had a chance to move to the unified FamilySearch account system that was launched on March 18, please take a moment to read the original announcement and instructions.

If you are still having issues creating your account or signing in to the indexing system, please review our list of common issues.

Enjoy the Benefits of the Update

You are among the first FamilySearch patrons to take advantage of our new unified accounts system and enjoy the convenience of just one registration (either a FamilySearch or LDS account) for several Web sites including the FamilySearch Research Wiki, new FamilySearch, FamilySearch Beta, and stake and ward Web sites with more to come.

Making a Difference

The work we are all performing through FamilySearch indexing is making a difference for researchers around the world. We constantly receive messages thanking you for your efforts as volunteers, and we are starting to see notes of gratitude posted online as well. Here s a recent message that was posted to our fan page on Facebook:

I want to say thank you to all the volunteers who do this. Because of you, I now have a copy showing my grandfather who lived in America on a Hungarian funeral card for his grandfather.  Teresa Klaiber

The indexing you perform makes a difference to hundreds of thousands of people each month who find their ancestors and the records that document their lives from the images we have indexed on their behalf.

FamilySearch Indexing Projects Updates Online

A page with the latest status on indexing projects is now available online at the FamilySearch Wiki. This page is updated frequently, so you may want to bookmark the page for future reference. This page will let you know when projects are nearing completion or available online. It will also introduce you to new indexing projects as they come online.

Visit the FamilySearch Indexing Updates wiki page

Your indexing efforts continue to make a difference to people around the world who are seeking information about their ancestors online. Thanks again for your ongoing participation and support!

Do some more indexing today.

FamilySearch Indexing Statistics

  • Total Records Indexed: 339,782,331+
  • Total Records Indexed in 2010: 100,795,360+
  • Total Registered Indexers: 340,041+

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