We have never done this before, but I think it is going to work. We hope you will participate with us next week as we attempt to push the boundaries of technology….
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 12:30pm (Eastern time)
(this class is now available in the webinar archives, but below is its description)
In other words, my class entitled "Sharing Genealogy Electronically" will be taught live to the 20 students AND it will be taught to our online webinar audience. All you need to do is register for the class at www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/webinars.asp and join at the right time (your registration confirmation email will give you these instructions).
Since attending the live class in Youngtown, Arizona probably does not work for you in Australia, Sweden, or even New York City, I hope you can attend its live broadcast to try out this new technology. I tested everything today at the library with my laptop, projector, headset, and wi-fi card and it worked flawlessly, so let's hope it will work next Tuesday. I hope to "see" you all there.
After the main presentation, we will have a Question/Answer session with both our live students and our live online audience.
By the way, take a look at the library's sign in the picture above. This society won the "FastSign's 2007 Ugliest Sign Contest". See Dick Eastman's article about this here. This is the new sign they won….
Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 10:55am (Eastern time)
I'm even more excited for this event. If the Tuesday class goes as expected, then this Saturday class will be even better.
We will be broadcasting – live – from the ICAPGen (International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists) seminar being held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Well-known speaker, researcher, and author, Karen Clifford, will speak to an audience of professional genealogists on "Evidence Analysis". She will be speaking BOTH to her live seminar audience at the Radisson Hotel in Salt Lake City AND at the same time will broadcast her class to our live webinar audience. To register for this class, please visit www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/webinars.asp.
We thank ICAPGen for be willing to try out this new technology with us.
What does the future look like?
If this technology works as expected, I foresee a dramatic change in the future of genealogy education. Although online education like this cannot replace the value of attending a live conference in person, for those who are unable to travel to attend these live events, this webinar technology certainly will make a difference.
Thank you for these webinars. While I have not been able to be available for them when presented, I have been able to attend the recorded sessions of both the mapping and electronic sharing presentations and greatly appreciate the information I received. Keep up the good work.