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Webinar Topics
Learn about the best genealogy software for mapping your ancestors: AniMap, Centennia, Map My Family Tree, and Legacy Family Tree.
AniMap. (U.S. & Canada): learn how to find the correct county for the time period, and perform radius searches (list all cemeteries/churches within 10 miles of a place).
Centennia software (Europe and Middle East): Have you ever wondered about the changing country borders in Europe? Have ancestors in Germany, Poland, or Prussia? Which is it? Centennia software shows the changing country borders from the 11th century to the present in Europe and the Middle East.
Map My Family Tree software (entire world): plot your ancestors on a map of the world, track family migrations, plot to Google Earth, use the time scroll bar to dynamically select which time period you want displayed on your map and more.
Legacy Family Tree’s mapping tools
…and other tips and tricks along the way
Purchase for just $9.95
Own your own copy of Mapping Software for Genealogists by purchasing the webinar-on-CD for just $9.95. The CD includes the recording of the class (1 hour 4 minutes), the complete Q/A session, and the four pages of handouts.
Register for our upcoming webinars (free) at
- Building a Research Toolbox, with Thomas MacEntee – Wednesday, April 6, 2011
- Dropbox for Genealogists, with Thomas MacEntee – Thursday, April 21, 2011
- Preserving Family Photographs: 1839 to the Present – Wednesday, May 4, 2011
- Further Your Research and Unify Your Family Reunion with Beautiful Genealogy Charts, with Janet Hovorka – Wednesday, May 11, 2011
- Google Docs for Genealogists, with Thomas MacEntee – Wednesday, May 18, 2011
- Google Forms for Genealogists, with Thomas MacEntee – Wednesday, June 1, 2011
- Ready, Set, Write! Share Your Family's Story, with Lisa Alzo – Wednesday, June 29, 2011
- The Power of DNA in Unlocking Family Relationships, with Ugo Perego – Wednesday, July 13, 2011
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