Robert asked a great question in our Legacy User Group mailing list today:
How do you properly indicate in Legacy that the same couple married each other FOUR times? Just do this?
- Married Jun 10, 1934
- Divorced Oct 2, 1941
- Married Jan 15, 1943
- Divorced Feb 20, 1946
- Married Mar 13, 1948
- Divorced April 23, 1953 (husband left wife, and wife thought husband had died)
- Married July 10, 1955
- Husband died Oct 12, 1960
- Wife died Dec 19, 1974
Couldn't make up their minds, eh? This is a new one for me, Robert, but this would be my suggestion.
The image below (click to enlarge) is the Marriage Information screen for John Smith and Mary Jones (a ficticious couple I just created to demonstrate this example). In the Marriage Date field, I entered the date of their first marriage. Typically, when a couple divorces, I add "Divorced" to the status field and add the date to the Status Date field. However, in this case, I entered the three divorces and three remarriages as events by clicking on the Add button. When you look at the updated Chronology View for each individual, these events are displayed there too.
Without having faced this situation previously, I can't really think of any downsides, or even any other good alternatives to this method of recording. If anyone else has any ideas, I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.
Select your person. Then right click your mouse and choose view husband list. Unlink one of the marriages. You can now manually merge the duplicate people. The unlinking may leave you with a non-duplicated child linked to an unknown spouse. Create a dummy parent for this child, and then merge the dummy to the actual person.