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Creating a Website with Legacy Family Tree AND announcement from

Creating a Website with Legacy Family Tree AND announcement from

If you have used Legacy Family Tree to create your genealogy website, it's now easier for others to find you with the new announcement below.

But first, creating a website in Legacy is easy. Go to Internet > Create Web Pages, select your options, and click the Create Web Pages button. Since the website is created/saved on your computer, you can preview it before you ever upload it to your web space (which you are likely already paying for, just ask your Internet Service Provider for details on uploading your files to your web space).

Notice on the Other tab, there is an option to create a "GENDEX genealogical index." With this selected, Legacy will create a special file that you can share with, and thus make it easier for others to find you and your ancestors.


Below is the announcement from is a completely free genealogical index (GenDex) which indexes family trees on the internet. The first GenDex was operated by Gene W. Stark from 1994 until 2004. It was begun when computer indexing for genealogical information was in its infancy. Since its inception on April 4th, GenDexNetwork has already indexed over 9,250,000 records. is fully compatible with Legacy Family Tree's gendex output. It is specifically for genealogists who want to publish their family trees by themselves and who don't wish to give their data to a third party. It only indexes the GenDex file that remains on your own website. Each name in the search results is linked directly to the family tree page of your website for this person. doesn't display your ancestor's detailed data, but brings the visitor directly to your own family tree website. It connects the family trees to make one huge database. Clicking on a name in the search results immediately takes you to the same person on a family tree web page with their genealogical data.

You will find the site easy-to-use and very easy to add your gendex.

Comments (7)

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  • D

    Thank you!! I thought I’d looked everywhere.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Donna – yes, on the Other tab, click on the option to “Suppress details for living people”. You can also choose its sub-option to “Change name to Living”

  • D

    Is there a way to suppress information for living people?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jim – first, remember that after Legacy creates the web pages, they still reside on your hard drive. If you have uploaded the page to your web space (server), you would navigate to your web server using your FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software, along with your user name and password that your ISP provided you with, and delete the page there.

  • J

    How do I delete a web page if I want to take it off the Internet.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Becky – the folder location can be specified on the Project Tab. Just click on the Browse button there next to Project name.

  • BF
    Becky Fay

    I created several versions of a website using Legacy using different people as the starting point (examples: Paternal Great-Grandpa and his descendants, Maternal Great-Grandpa and his descendants, me and my ancestors). The prompt asked if I wanted to save the websites and I answered “Yes.” There was not an option to choose where they were saved. Where are they saved?

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