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Legacy, RootsTech, R&R, April Fool’s, and Back to Work

Legacy, RootsTech, R&R, April Fool’s, and Back to Work

It's a Monday, it's April Fool's Day, and it's great to be back to work. It's been a crazy couple of weeks.

We recently attended RootsTech in Salt Lake City with more than 7,000 genealogists – the largest genealogy event in U.S. history. Our Legacy Family Tree booth was staffed with 4-6 of us – and we rarely had the opportunity to sit down. Thanks everyone for stopping by! Lots of you greeted me with a "Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Evening!" Sure was fun to hear how much you enjoy both our software and our webinar series. Here's a picture of our booth before the doors opened for the day.


RootsTech was held just around the corner from Salt Lake's Family History Library:


While I thoroughly enjoyed my time at RootsTech, I couldn't wait for its conclusion so I could begin Spring Break with my family. We spent a few days at the Oregon Coast (my home away from home, and now just a 7-8 hour drive from our new home in Idaho) – played in the sand, hiked to waterfalls, had birthday cake, and enjoyed time soaking in the hot tub. All along I had my laptop and access to the Internet, but for the most part, I succeeded in avoiding emails for the week. Here's us at Multnomah Falls, just outside of Portland:


As good as Spring Break was, I couldn't wait to return home to see the progress of the construction in my office. It's still missing the cabinet doors and trim, but I've got the computer and both 28" wide-screen monitors set up. It's almost ready to bring in the 80 or so binders of my genealogy which will make room in the garage for my next project.


Finally, my wife reminded me this morning of one of our anniversaries. 16 years ago today I proposed to her in the Family History Center on the campus of Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho. Who else do you know that has a microfilm reader in the background of their proposal picture?? We kid each other about the fact that the proposal was just an April Fool's joke – who was the joke on – me or her? It's worked out well.


Speaking of April Fool's, I don't have anything planned for this year. We were considering announcing a new feature in Legacy Family Tree – the new Invent-An-Ancestor tool which would fill in the missing pieces of your brick wall….

Well, I'd better get back to work. Life is short, do genealogy first!

Comments (4)

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  • PH
    Paul Hilton

    It is great to hear about Roots Tech and also your Vacation at March Break. I look forward to taking part in teh Webinars. They provide a great deal of info for all of us. Sincere Best Wishes, Paul

  • DB
    Darline Burke

    Thanks for the picture of your booth which included my friend, Dave!!

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Hi Susan! Yes, the picture is at Multnomah Falls. We actually hiked it for the first time. Can’t believe in all the years I lived in Oregon I had never done that. Such a beautiful part of the country.

  • SL
    Susan LeBlanc

    Nice office. Please update when you finish. Could resist your picture by the falls. Is it Multnomah Falls? Glad you got to get some sun. Nice view from the office. An April 1st happy moment is better than being fooled.

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