When did you last back up your hard drive? I'm feeling bad for a personal friend of mine today who wrote about his computer experience this morning,
i lost everything when my hard drive crashed. slowly but surely trying to get everything I lost. I don't think I am going to be able to affrod the data recovery, at least in the immediate future. I am getting quotes from 900-1900. lesson learned to back everything up.
Funny, I also received another email today from a webinar viewer asking about how I backup my photos. I don't often think of backing up my data because my backup software does it for me – automatically – and at the end of every day. I have the software set to backup any new or modified files at 11pm each night. Only once have I had to request a full restore of my hard drive, but occasionally I use its restore features to retrieve a file I have accidentally deleted or overwritten.
For the past couple of years I have used the Backblaze service (I happily used Mozy.com for a long time before they raised their rates). Backblaze is still just $5/month for unlimited storage space. As their website mentions, it's not a question of will you lose your data–it's when. Don't take a chance. Since most of us here at Millennia use Backblaze, we've now partnered with them. Here's the link for more information.
Backblaze is just one of many off-site backup services. Which do you use and why?
Some years back I was visiting my cousin who worked for NASA-Houston. He took me and my friend on a tour of mission control and in the basement were between 6 and 12 main-frame computers they used for each space flight. Two cables each about 15″ in diameter disappeared into the floor. I asked the Ops chief what they were for. He said the were connected to another duplicate group of computers in a building 2 miles away. If something happened during a mission to the main set, they could dump everything to the other building and be back up a running is a short time. Sort of an on-line off-line back-up system that makes our efforts look cheap. 😉