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Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed – Q/A, new Tagging options, and other surprises

Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed – Q/A, new Tagging options, and other surprises

In less than one day, the Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed article became the most-read article I have ever written. Either my writing style is getting better, or you really enjoyed the topic.

You asked lots of questions, gave some suggestions, and we've already implemented one enhancement because of them (I'll show you below). Below I will try to respond to some of the most popular questions.

Why will there be a charge to upgrade to version 8?

Within a numbered version, like Legacy 7, all of the minor updates are free. In fact, we released two major Legacy 7 updates for free in the past couple of years.

To thank our Legacy Deluxe customers, when upgrading to a new numbered edition, (like v6 to v7, or v7 to v8) we will continue to provide discounted pricing to upgrade. We would love to give away everything for free, like our free standard edition, the free updates, the free webinars, the free support, and more. I, too, love free! If we didn't have to eat, upgrade our older computers, or pay any bills, we could probably afford to never request the modest upgrade fee when we release a major new edition.

Will I still be able to customize my own colors?

Yes. Although one of the minor new features, we have done a lot to enhance the color customization choices, but we still need to have a default color scheme. Thanks for the thousands of votes you cast! In the end, the polling resulted in a nearly-identical 50-50 split. Half liked the vintage theme (my favorite) and half liked the blue theme.

Just today our developers showed me a new screen they developed as a result of your comments. When you are installing the v8 upgrade, you will be presented with a screen asking you which color scheme you would like to start with. It will show you what each will look like. Pretty cool, huh?

6-13-2013 2-35-54 PM

I loved how much interest you showed in the colors. I can't wait to see your response when I actually write about the really cool new features coming.

Where did tagging go?

Not to worry, it didn't go anywhere. In the article's images I simply had tagging turned off. In fact, we've listened to your requests and made it even better! Here is what the tagging choices in the Family View look like in version 7:

6-13-2013 3-15-31 PM

Here is what they look like in version 8:

6-13-2013 3-18-27 PM

Can I hear a "Hallelujah"? I know…something so small…but so many of you have asked to be able to view all 9 tags at once. They will still be turned "off" by default, but can still be turned on in the program's preferences.

It gets even better.

Now when you open the Advanced Tagging screen (yep, tagging's a little more advanced), you will immediately see how many people are tagged on each level. No more guessing and hoping or searching before you can start tagging. Tag a person and the count is instantly updated. I love it!

6-13-2013 3-24-42 PM

What about FamilySearch Family Tree?

If all went as planned, we turned in our FamilySearch integration software to FamilySearch earlier today to begin its certification process. It will be available to everyone (not just the beta test group) when version 8 is released, or even sooner (I don't know yet).

Will the Families app still work with Legacy 8?

Families is the app that runs Legacy on your Apple or Android mobile devices. I received confirmation from the Families developer yesterday that it will indeed work with Legacy 8. Watch a webinar on using Families here.

What will the Color Coding look like with the new color schemes?


That's all I'm going to say right now because I've got an entire future article saved just for the new color coding enhancements. Here's what it looks like in version 7:

6-13-2013 3-36-42 PM

To learn more about the color coding, watch Mary Hill's webinar here. Mary, too, is really excited about the new color coding options in version 8.

Okay, here's a hint. Like lots of you have requested, you will be able to have two starting points (one set of colors for you and one for your spouse). That's all I'm going to write about it right now (I'm getting hungry and this article is getting long).

Stay tuned for more!

Comments (63)

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  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Ann – you can currently use tagging (pick your own color) to designate if an individual is linked/related or not.

  • AL
    Ann Lewis

    Is there any chance of having another color option for islands??
    It would be nice to see quickly if a person is unlinked or not.

  • WB
    Warren Buschmann

    Hi Legacy folks,
    Great to see those other tags in the Family View. Hurry and finish L. 8. Have credit card in hand.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jonathan – version 8 will let you have up to 5 sources on the Source Clipboard.

  • JB
    Jonathan Beacher

    One new feature that would save me a ton of time is having not one source stored on the source clipboard, but 2 or 3. Seems you are always needing to duplicate a few sources from the father onto his children or wife as you add them. For instance, you may create a male and have sources for marriage and a census where you found him, then need to apply both those source citations to his wife when you add her.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Claus – good suggestion. It’ll be there.

  • VL
    Vera Louder

    All I can say is “YEAH”! I can’t wait for this to happen. This is a wonderful, exciting Record Manager Program. Thank you, thank you!

  • C

    Would love to see support for witnesses in 8.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jenny – the Families app does show the To Do List. It’s on the Individual’s Information screen. It will also provide the ability to share an event with others.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Steve – you are able to add multiple pictures to a source. If you are using the Source Clipboard, add as many as you want, and then with one click, the citation and its accompanying pictures are linked to the person’s events.

  • SS
    Steve Stevens

    Will we be able to add more than one picture/document at a time in sourcing et al? I asked for this 2 years ago and was told it would be included in one of the past updates, but it wasn’t. 🙁

  • TA
    Tricia Adam

    I think I started with Legacy 3 and have always been willing to pay for major upgrades and feel it has been worth it.
    One of my favourite up grades was the introduction of the ability to make and save my own colour schemes.
    I love the idea of having two starting points.

  • CJ
    Coral Jones

    Legacy is my all time favourite and even though I have been using it for years, I just keep finding new tricks I didn’t know before. I always recommend it to my friends.
    I use it to produce HTML files to upload to my website so I hope that function will still be available or enhanced. It is quite essential to my genealogy for this reason.
    Woohoo – Bring it on. 🙂

  • KW
    k weaver

    It seems I’m not using version7 to the fullest….all these upgrades and i’m still like… Wow I didn’t know it could do that to begin with!

  • J

    My top three requests for Legacy 8 is for it to be able to do the following:
    1. sync with an app (e.g. mobile phone and/or tablet) Note: The Families app does not (I’ve read) show the To Do List, which is one of the main reasons I’d like an app.
    2. be able to create an Event once and assign it to all people it applies to.
    3. merge Basic master sources with SourceWriter master sources
    Just throwing this out there.
    Thanks. Jenny

  • K

    Thanks for all the new enhancements and listening to our comments!
    On the colors issues, According to my eye doctor, more and more people over the age of 40 are having contrasting problems. For instance, we can’t have Blue Background with Blue printing, not enough contrast. So if we could make the print bold or darker to help with the contrasting problems, that would be very helpful!

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Pamela – I’m unsure right now about the multiple copies discount.

  • PK
    Pamela Kerwin

    Will there be a discount for multiple purchases of v8? I have purchased 8, and given 7 as presents. The recipients also love the program, so I think they will upgrade for themselves. 9 tags displayed – WOOHOO!!! Two starting points – a bigger WOOHOO!!! Legacy users have dreamed about these changes. I am eagerly anticipating learning about more of the new bells and whistles.

  • JZ
    Jeff Zinsli

    A comment was added above that it would be nice to add many people at once. I would second that request, specifically useful when you run across a note indicating that a husband and wife had 13 children with no further detail. Having the ability to add those 13 children quickly with no male vs. female indication (with the same source applied to all) would at times be very useful.

  • ME
    Marianne Eaton

    Tagging alway sounded wonderful until I tried it. I could not just print only the tagged line. Ex. I want to show my grandson back to a certain partiot. I was unable to use tagging to do it. It was the whole group of ancestors or none. I hope tagging can be used with printing soon.

  • BC
    B C Groseclose

    I would love a feature I’ve suggested for years, but which hasn’t yet been implemented. It is to provide for the use of a password to open a database.
    I have decades of genealogical research in Legacy, and I do back it up regularly. However, if someone used my computer (perhaps an errant grandchild) and played with Legacy, any changes made would not be evident when I next started Legacy. My data would be corrupted and I wouldn’t even know it.
    Please add this feature as an option.

  • K

    Wow – a software company that listens to its users. Is that too cool or what? (A certain giant should take notice.) The improvements sound exciting and will make it easier to keep lines separate, especially the changes mentioned regarding tags and colors. I like the suggestion about identifying a tag by hovering over it. Hope we don’t have to wait too much longer!

  • CB
    Carol B. Moss

    I’m glad you’re including Mary Hill’s lesson on color coding system for Family History. It’s an excellent guide to organizing and staying organized in FH. I’ve used it for years and it really helps to keep things straight.

  • L

    I love hearing about two starting points! That will make mine a lot easier:) THANKS!

  • FB
    Father Bob

    Geoff–what will be the upgrade price from 7.5 to 8? THANKS for a great software package!

  • MW
    Mick Williams

    Did I miss the planned release date? Regards, Mick

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Paula – you’ll be able to use either 4 or 8 colors for your first group, and either 4 or 8 colors for your second group.

  • PR
    Paula Ryburn

    Hoping we can use more than 4 colors OR that applied colors on some branches are NOT cleared when applying colors to other branches. For example, I use the 4 colors on MY 4 lines, but two other colors for my husband’s lines. Hope the developers listened way back when, when I first suggested how much better it would be that way. Thanks.

  • PC
    Peg Chute

    Ok now Geoff – you are a tease and keeping us in suspense for a while longer but in the end I am certain we will all upgrade and enjoy every little and big improvement as promised. Just keep posting these tidbits to keep us on pins and needles.

  • J

    Love, love, love Legacy and have through 2 major upgrades! Don’t normally like change, but am greatly looking forward to version 8, and don’t mind having to purchase. You have been more than accommodating to us long time users with all your free updates. Thanks to everyone who made this possible

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Carl – there’s new reports too! To be written about soon….

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Sherril – really good idea. I’ll see if we can make it happen.

  • CM
    Carl McBrayer

    What about more choices for printing descendants and ancestor lists, books, etc.?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Dave – you can already do this via the Picture Center.

  • S

    Now if I could hover over Tag #1 and see something like “Geoff’s Direct Line” or “Geoff’s Direct Line (9086)” to remind me exactly what I used Tag #1 for, that would be pretty great! Version 8 sounds super, I’m looking forward to the upcoming teasers and even more to the actual program. Count me in!

  • DZ
    Dave Zenger

    Hi Geoff,
    Next Idea: Able to link a picture to multiple people. So you have a family portrait with 6 people in it. It would be nice to just choose the names of the 6 people linked to that picture and add them all at the same time, rather than having to choose each person one at a time. It would make linking Census records a breeze

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Michelle – I’m not sure about this yet. Although it will be included in the free standard edition of whichever version it ends up in.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    MH – yes, this has been expanded.

  • M

    Do I have to buy Legacy 8 in order to Sync with FamilySearch Family Tree? Or will the FamilySearch updates still work with Legacy 7?

  • M

    Any chance that the “File / Open…” is being expanded to show the last 10 (or more) files that have been used, rather than the current limitation of four please?

  • C

    I’m, so excited about seeing all 9 tags but even more excited with the tease about one set of colors for my line and another for my husband’s. I already do that in my paper files. I will be so happy to have my husband’s line finally color coded too. Awesome!

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Lennie – yes, it will transfer fine into Legacy 8.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Godfrey – it will work fine in either Windows 7 or 8, plus the earlier versions also.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Charles – we’ve done a lot with enhancing pictures, relinking, gathering, etc. To be written about….

  • LL
    Lennie Lichter

    I purchased Legacy 4 way back when. Would I be able to transfer all of that data into Legacy 8 easily? Thanks.

  • GO
    Godfrey Owen

    Thanks Geoff, Excited at the prospect but as yet you make no mention of the operating system, Windows 7 or 8 – perhaps progress & joined “Apple”???
    Best wishes and thanks.Godfrey

  • CG
    Charles Gillespie

    still wonder if pictures and data will be together as one or like it is now 2 separate places hard to put on different computer with data and pictures together

  • C

    I would like a feature to add many people at once, like adding/linking parents and children in the same screen. It would save alot of time when adding many people.

  • PB
    PE Brennan

    I have made excuse after excuse NOT to switch over to Legacy (yes, I DO have problems with change), but it seems that I may have run out of excuses. New version, new chapter in my family research. Seems no time like the present; time to make the leap!

  • SM
    Sue Melton

    I am so looking forward to the new version. There are a lot of “little” things that kind of bugged me with 7.5 but I love it enough to recommend it to all the people that I have worked with as Family History Consultant. This is one of the easiest programs that I have ever worked with and I have been a Family Historian for 50 years.

  • BL
    Brian Lehman

    And being able to see and verify if, and how many people are using a tag #,
    will save a step searching to see if a tag is being used.
    Thanks, Legacy people!

  • SG
    Sharron Grover

    Geoff, I think you have been reading my mind! Did your move to Idaho make that possible?? Just this morning I was doing some tagging and wishing I could see all of the tags. That was followed by changing the color coding to refer to my husband’s family instead of mine while I did a bit of work on it – all the while wishing I could color code both independently and just leave it. I don’t care what else gets upgraded – I’m already sold! I can’t wait!!

  • SD
    Sue Draper

    Hallelujah for the tagging upgrades! Looking forward to syncing with FamilySearch Family Tree. Icing on the cake would be if Legacy were the first to sync source notes.

  • ER
    Eddie Rauber

    Looking great! Can’t wait until its release. Thanks to everyone involved. Thanks

  • MS
    Michele Simmons Lewis

    WOO HOO! Being able to see all 9 tags was on my wish list!

  • SK
    Sharon Krisko

    With the new tag option I’m in heaven. Yes, Millennia, v8 is on my “buy” list! Thank You!

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jim – the existing training CDs can still be used, but I’m working on republishing them. It’s been 5 years since volume 1 and longer than that for volume 2 so they need updating anyways.

  • GD
    George Davidson

    Looking good, can not wait for the release 🙂

  • JG
    Jim Gonsalves

    Ok, I am looking forward to the new version of Legacy 8. I have ordered my ink, toner, and reams of paper waiting to print the new user’s manual.
    Is all the Version 7 training cds and other training material still be viable or do us faithful users of Legacy have to purchase new products?
    Change is good and I agree, it comes at a price and time to adjust.
    Legacy has been more than faithful back to its customers, and I will continue to support the company, and the people that support our questions and concerns. Keep up the good work!

  • VW
    Vivian White

    I love some of the changes, especially the new tagging. I have so often wished I could see more than three. I also love the ability to see from tagging just exactly how many people are tagged. Much quicker than doing a search and creating a list. Thank you!

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