Want to learn more about how Legacy Family Tree interfaces with FamilySearch's Family Tree? Come watch the recording (free) of a new class presented by Legacy's Geoff Rasmussen. In the video, Geoff explains:
- How to turn on or off Legacy's FamilySearch tools
- How Legacy will search for your ancestor in FamilySearch Family Tree
- How to exchange information (optional) between Legacy and FamilySearch Family Tree
- How to reserve and manage ordinances (LDS users)
He also gives tips on how to better manage large research projects using Legacy's Progress Meter and different filters.
Click here to watch the class. Four pages of supplemental syllabus materials are also available to download, save, and print.
Great video and great tool. I see that Sources can be uploaded. That is great. I hope you do another webinar spending more time on possible duplicates as that is so important with FamilyTree.
By the way, Legacy recently found a duplicate that I did not be find FamilyTree “Possible Duplicates” or “Find” commands. They have since upgraded the “Possible Duplicates” function and it now catches it, but it did not a couple of weeks ago.
I also appreciate the ability to download descendants. This can be helpful if you want to look for possible surnames that might show up in your atDNA matches.
Now if FamilySearch can develop an interface so images of the source can be uploaded to FamilyTree.