A new book by Legacy's Geoff Rasmussen | 100 pages | Paperback full-color pre-order (12.95) or PDF (9.95)
"If you didn't believe it before now, Geoff Rasmussen will convince you that our ancestors want to be found as much as we want to find them. Whether you're new to genealogy or struggling with a brick wall in your research, Kindred Voices will inspire you in your quest to reach out to those who came before us. C'mon, they're waiting for you!" – Megan Smolenyak, author of Hey, America, Your Roots Are Showing
Pre-order the paperback by February 27 for 12.95 and get the PDF (electronic version) FREE! (Expected delivery date of paperback: March 2015; PDF delivered within 1 business day.)
The voices of our ancestors awake when our search for them begins. Most often we feel their voices – in our minds and in our hearts – as research ideas, promptings, and intuitions on where to find them. Yet sometimes, as our hearts turn toward theirs, their heaven-sent communications can be heard with our earthly ears. These voices – those of our ancestors – are the evidence of their hearts having turned towards ours.
The serendipitous encounters with genealogical voices that Geoff Rasmussen tells in Kindred Voices are true stories. Readers will be stirred by the reality of our ancestors’ interventions in our search for them. You will be inspired to either begin your search or to receive the hope you need to continue your quest. Our ancestors speak to us; are we listening?
Click here to preview the Table of Contents and the Preface (9 pages).
About the Author
Geoffrey D. Rasmussen is the father of four budding genealogists. He graduated with a degree in Genealogy and Family History from Brigham Young University and has served as director and vice-president of the Utah Genealogical Association. He is a dynamic genealogy speaker on all forms of genealogy technology, and as host of the Legacy Family Tree webinar series, has spoken virtually to nearly 100 different countries. He recently received the Distinguished Presenter Award at the prestigious RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City. He has authored books, videos, articles, and websites, and develops the Legacy Family Tree software program. On a personal note, Geoff enjoys playing the piano, organ, cello and basketball. His favorite places are cemeteries, the ocean, and hanging out with other genealogists. He met and proposed to his wife in a Family History Center.
Pre-order the paperback by February 27 for 12.95 and get the PDF (electronic version) FREE!(Expected delivery date of paperback: March 2015; PDF delivered within 1 business day.)
"Thoughtful, revealing stories from Geoff's personal history journey inspires all to slow down and listen to our own kindred voices." – DearMYRTLE, Your Friend in Genealogy!
"An inspirational book to help researchers understand the “pull” of genealogy that makes it a lifelong pursuit and even an addiction to some." – Randy Seaver, author of Genea-Musings.
"Geoff Rasmussen – nationally known genealogist, lecturer and webinar host – quickly pulls you in with his latest book - Kindred Voices - his personal memoir of the genealogical experiences he has had over a lifetime in the field. Rasmussen is very candid in this personal, faith-promoting account of the crucial promptings he has had that made all the difference in pushing back and filling in his family tree. This book will be read again and again by genealogists who have had similar experiences – and for those who tend to be more skeptical in matters of faith – it just might cause them, to paraphrase Agrippa's comment to Paul, "almost thou pursuadest me …" to become a believer. This is one of those special must-read books that you are glad you read – and that you'll think about again and again." - Thomas Jay Kemp, author of more than 50 books including International Vital Records Handbook (GPC, 5th edition, 2013)
"Most genealogists will tell you that every now and then, seemingly unexplainable things happen. Call it what you will. A miracle? Physic phenomena, or serendipity? Seemingly unexplainable things happen. In his book, Kindred Voices, Geoff lays out a case to show that genealogists often receive research help from their long-deceased ancestors themselves.Many fascinating examples, taken from his own life experiences, are given. Did you ever wonder why those of the Mormon faith do genealogy? Geoff lays out the best explanation for it that I've ever read. I found the book to be extremely interesting, keeping me reading through the very last page." – Leland Meitzler, author, publisher, and President of Family Roots Publishing
"Kindred Voices: Listening For Our Ancestors is like getting the “rest of the story” about the family history and genealogy movement of today. It’s fun and intriguing to read, you can read it in an hour or two butyou will think about this message the rest of your life. You will walk differently, talk differently and work differently with family history because you know the truth about kindred voices and impressions…your life will be deeper and richer. Feel after these truths and you will experience them for yourself, just as I have." – Mitch Tate, author and dear friend.
"Geoff has a way of making family history exciting and I am motivated by his stories. I have always been one of those guys that was waiting till I get 'old' to get started on mine. I am starting now!" Brian Zimmerman, Middleton, Idaho Police Chief
"My grandmother heart was so touched, as those children were reunited with their mother." Carol Preston, Geoff's Aunt.
"The experiences told of in this book have helped me know that there is more to family history or genealogy work than just names and dates. I want to do my part." Debbie Rasmussen, Geoff's mother! (Mom read my book!! A Genealogy book!)
"Our ancestors lived and they don't want to be forgotten. This book shows that with Geoff's personal experiences. It's a quick and easy, yet very engaging read and should appeal to almost everyone." Dave Midgley, good friend.
"Exciting and inspirational!" Michele Simmons Lewis, author of the Ancestoring blog.
"Kindred Voices will give you chills, make you laugh and keep you anxiously on edge to hear how each story ends. Sometimes you will be in awe of Geoff Rasmussen's experiences. Some of you might call it coincidence or luck but I'm sure Geoff would explain it as the voices of his ancestors. They were with him often, when he needed them most, guiding him to uncover his family tree. If you thought you knew Geoff from his weekly hosting of the Legacy Family Tree webinars, you will discover a much more personal side to Geoff in this work. Kindred Voices will inspire you to face challenges and to persevere when confronted with difficult ancestors. An inspirational read." Marian Pierre-Louis, host of the Genealogy Professional podcast.
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