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Charting Companion 6 now available – 2 new dazzling charts!

Charting Companion 6 now available – 2 new dazzling charts!

It is a rare event when a new type of genealogy chart is introduced.
Progeny Genealogy, the makers of the popular Charting Companion software, is pleased to announce two new, unique, innovative ways of showing your family history: the Fractal Tree and the Dandelion Chart.


Fractal Tree

The Fractal Tree is an entirely new way to display your Ancestors. The Fractal Tree is more compact than other charts. A fractal is a natural phenomenon or a mathematical set that exhibits a repeating pattern that displays at every scale. A fractal is a self-similar geometric shape; each part of the shape is the same as the whole. 

How the Fractal Tree works: Start with a subject, René A. Clouthier, and a 2-generation Fractal Tree. Two boxes sprout horizontally. His father (Raoul) is in a box to the left, his mother (Jeanne) is in a box to the right.

2-generation Fractal TreeA 2-generation Fractal Tree

Add a third generation, including the grand-parents. The new boxes now sprout vertically. On the paternal side, Raoul's parents (Calixte & Honorine) are displayed. On the maternal side, Jeanne's parents (Thomas & Amanda) are displayed.

3-generation Fractal TreeA 3-generation Fractal Tree

Add a fourth generation, including the great-grand-parents. The new boxes now revert to sprouting horizontally.

4-generation Fractal TreeA 4-generation Fractal Tree

Five generations takes us to 31 people.

5-generation Fractal TreeA 5-generation Fractal Tree

You can go as far as you want. Here is a 9-generation Fractal Tree.

9-generation Fractal Tree (click to to enlarge)A 9-generation Fractal Tree (click to to enlarge)

By tiling the pages, you can assemble a chart of unlimited size from standard paper or A4. You can create a PDF of a single large page (36" x 72") and take it to a print shop for printing on a large printer. 

Dazzle your friends & relatives today with the Fractal Tree!

Click here to purchase for 34.95.

Dandelion Chart

The Dandelion Chart is an entirely new way to display your Ancestors. The Dandelion Chart spreads out in all directions, and includes the ancestors of the spouses, which allows you to include everyone in the family.

How the Dandelion Chart works: from the Subject, John F Kennedy, extend lines to parents and children.

In a Dandelion Chart, the nodes (people) are scattered to minimize cross-over of lines. The Dandelion can show Ancestors as well as Descendants. The advantage of the Dandelion is that it can show the parents and siblings of spouses, who are not in the bloodline.

Each black circle corresponds to a family. The red lines link the parents to the family, the black lines link children. In the example below, John F. Kennedy is a child in the family where Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald are parents. JFK is a parent in the family that links to Jacqueline Bouvier (the other parent) and their children Caroline, John F. Jr. and Patrick.

Dandelion Chart

You can move the boxes around by clicking on them with the mouse, and dragging them

All the regular options are available: color by generation, lineage, gender, X-chromosome, bevel, gradient; font; event types, date format, etc.

Dandelion Chart

Animated Dandelion Chart

Click here to purchase for 34.95.

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