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New Legacy QuickGuide Now Available – Iowa Genealogy by Cari Taplin

New Legacy QuickGuide Now Available – Iowa Genealogy by Cari Taplin

Legacy QuickGuidesTM have quickly become one of the more popular resources for genealogists. Each guide contains four (sometimes five, sometimes more) pages of valuable information covering a variety of genealogy research topics, dozens of clickable links, and are written by genealogists and family historians who are experts in the subject areas. We've added another brand new Legacy QuickGuide: Iowa Genealogy by Cari Taplin. Now choose from 89 Legacy QuickGuides!

Iowa Genealogy Iowa Genealogy by Cari Taplin - $2.95

Three major rivers create boundaries for the state of Iowa: the Mississippi to the east, and the Missouri and Big Sioux to the west. These rivers played a major role in the exploration and settlement of Iowa since river travel was the easiest form of transportation in the times before roads and rails. Iowa’s major cities were developed on major rivers. Similar to other plains states, Iowa was explored and claimed by several nations before it became an American territory: France, England, and Spain. Native American tribes lived in the area long before European settlers moved in.
The Iowa Genealogy Legacy QuickGuide™ contains valuable research strategy to help you find your Hawkeye State ancestors This handy 7-page PDF guide can be used on your computer or mobile device for anytime access.


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