Tuesday's Tips provide brief how-to's to help you learn to use the Legacy Family Tree software with new tricks and techniques.
The Knowledge Base
Most of you probably know we have Knowledge Base articles on our support website here http://support.legacyfamilytree.com/. Knowledge Base articles provide information about the many topics related to Legacy Family Tree software and related products.
But did you know you can also….
- Save articles to your Favorites
- Rate the articles
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In the upper right corner of any article you will see Tools which has a dropdown list.
To see the favorites you have saved, on the main support page click the dropdown list next to Browse.
On the main page you will see a Search box but if you click the dropdown list next to the Search box you will be taken to the Advanced Search.
If you ever get an error message box in Legacy type the error number in the Search box, i.e. "error 91" (no quotes). Most of the time you can clear the error yourself using the instructions provided.
From now on, instead of just searching for the information you need, bookmark it for later or share it whichever way you like!
Find tech tips every day in the Facebook Legacy User Group. The group is free and is available to anyone with a Facebook account.
For video tech tips checkout the Legacy Quick Tips page. These short videos will make it easy for you to learn all sort of fun and interesting ways to look at your genealogy research.
Michele Simmons Lewis is part of the technical support team at Millennia, the makers of the Legacy Family Tree software program. With over 20 years of research experience, Michele’s passion is helping new genealogists get started on the right foot through her writings, classes and lectures. She is the former staff genealogist and weekly columnist for the McDuffie Mirror and now authors Ancestoring, a blog geared toward the beginner/intermediate researcher.
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