As with any highly-recommended product, I personally try to arrange with the publisher to be able to sell it from our online store at a great price, and now I've done just that with this book. Combined with our great price, yesterday's webinar coupon code (dna17) and my webinar membership discount (another 5% off), what retails for $29.99 I just purchased it for $18.01. Maybe that will help make up for the ATV I bought yesterday (not a toy, but a tool…have to plow this snow somehow…).
Here's the details:
The book features:
- Colorful diagrams and expert definitions that explain key DNA terms and concepts such as haplogroups and DNA inheritance patterns
- Detailed guides to each of the major kinds of DNA tests and which tests can solve which family mysteries, with case studies showing how each can be useful
- Information about third-party tools you can use to more thoroughly analyze your test results once you've received them
- Test comparison guides and research forms to help you select the most appropriate DNA test and organize your results and research once you've been tested
Paperback: 240 pages, 9" x 7"
Foundations in DNA Webinar Course
If learning from a webinar course is more your style, Blaine Bettinger's 5-class series may be for you. He starts you out at the very beginnings and walks you through all of the basics of the Y, mitochondrial, and autosomal DNA tests. When you've completed the series, you'll be able to talk the genetic talk.
I am interested………….