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New Bonus Webinar – Approaching and Connecting with Your DNA Matches by Shannon Christmas

New Bonus Webinar – Approaching and Connecting with Your DNA Matches by Shannon Christmas

New Bonus Webinar - Approaching and Connecting with Your DNA Matches by Shannon Christmas

Have you ever wanted to reach out to your DNA matches but were hesitant? In this webinar, Shannon Christmas is going to make the process easier for you! He explains how to approach DNA matches and what to say to encourage your match to respond.

We're working hard to give our webinar subscribers the educational classes they need to maximize their genealogical research! This new class is a bonus webinar for the webinar library. The webinar previews are always free.

Approaching and Connecting with Your DNA Matches

Communicating with DNA matches can prove both exciting and challenging for genealogists. Learn proven writing and research strategies designed to maximize responsiveness and productivity.



About the Presenter

Named an “essential blog for genetic genealogy education” by the Board of Certification for Genealogists, Through The Trees is a blog for genealogy enthusiasts seeking to locate and leverage new tools and emerging technologies to break through genealogical brick walls.

The blog’s author, Shannon Christmas, is an experienced genealogist specializing in genetic, colonial American, and African-American genealogy in Virginia and the Carolinas. He serves as a 23andMe Ancestry Ambassador, administrator of The Captain Thomas Graves of Jamestown Autosomal DNA Project, and as a co-administrator of The Hemings-Jefferson-Wayles-Eppes Autosomal DNA Project. Shannon has a special interest in harnessing the power of autosomal DNA to verify and extend pedigrees, assess the veracity of oral history, and reconstruct ancestral genomes.

Routinely invited to lecture at international genealogy conferences, Shannon was one of a select few genetic genealogists invited to participate in the American Society of Human Genetics’ Roundtable on Genetic Ancestry Inference. Shannon was tapped to investigate the genetic lineage of Governor Lawrence Douglas Wilder of Virginia and presented his findings at The 2015 Afro-American Genealogical and Historical Society’s National Conference in Richmond, Virginia.

A trained urban planning and real estate consultant, Shannon has a Bachelor of Arts in Government from Harvard University and a Masters in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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