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Legacy 101 – How to Enter a Person and His/Her Spouse

Legacy 101 – How to Enter a Person and His/Her Spouse

If you are starting your family tree from scratch the empty screen can look a bit daunting. Your screen will look a little different than mine because I have customized the colors. (Legacy will default to the "Family" tab unless you change it in the Options menu).


You have different ways to add a person into Legacy. The first way is to simply "Click to add a Person." 


You can also use the "Add" Toolbar. If you are adding your first person you will add either a husband or a wife.  If you selected gender-neutral wording in the Options menu this will be Left Spouse and Right Spouse. 


If you prefer using keyboard shortcuts, you can use A+H to add a husband and A+W to add a wife.


Whichever method you chose, you will then see the Individual's Information screen. This is where you will do your data entry.


Now you can start entering the information you know about the person.


Click Save and now you are back where you started.


Now you can add his wife in one of four ways. Why so many different ways? Different procedures appeal to different people. Most people find a certain way they like to do things and then they stick with that. When you click one of these options, you will be asked if you want to add a new person or do you want to link to an existing person. If the person is already in your file you will want to link to that person and not add them again. Since we are just starting our file we will be adding a new person. If you added the wife first you will be using the husband options to add her spouse.


Add the Wife's details.

                                                    (click image to enlarge)

Click Save and you are back to where you started again.


Now we need to add their marriage information.  Double click in the Marriage Information field.


Now you can add their marriage information. You also have the option on this screen to mark the couple as never having married or that they did not have children.


Click Save and you are back where you started again. You can now see their marriage information on the Family View.


Next time we will show you how to enter children to our couple as well as parents for our couple.


View a compilation of all Legacy 101 articles


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Michele Simmons Lewis, CG® is part of the Legacy Family Tree team at MyHeritage. She handles the enhancement suggestions that come in from our users as well as writing for Legacy News. You can usually find her hanging out on the Legacy User Group Facebook page answering questions and posting tips.

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