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Register for Webinar Wednesday – Jewish Genealogy for the Non-Jew: History, Migration, DNA by Schelly Talalay Dardashti

Register for Webinar Wednesday – Jewish Genealogy for the Non-Jew: History, Migration, DNA by Schelly Talalay Dardashti


Most people do not know who they are more than a few generations back. Some do know, others suspect, but for the majority of genealogists, it is a surprise when they discover Jewish ancestors. Many of these initial discoveries come from having done a DNA test. What resources are available to those who wish to pursue research in this "new" field? What are the essentials that will help researchers understand their ancestors? What historical events have led to migrations and distance from Jewish ancestry? We will discuss history, migration, essential clues (customs, food, terminology, languages), and much more.

Join us and Schelly Talalay Dardashti for the live webinar Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 2pm Eastern U.S. Register today to reserve your virtual seat. Registration is free but space is limited to the first 1,000 people to join that day. When you join, if you receive a message that the webinar is full, you know we've reached the 1,000 limit, so we invite you to view the recording which should be published to the webinar archives within an hour or two of the event's conclusion. 


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About the presenter

SchellyDardashti-144x144Native New Yorker Schelly Talalay Dardashti has lived in Teheran, Tel Aviv, Miami, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and now New Mexico. A journalist and genealogist, she is the US Genealogy Advisor for MyHeritage, and has traced her Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi families across Iran, Spain, Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. She was an early proponent of DNA for genealogy and co-admins several DNA projects at FamilyTreeDNA. The former genealogy columnist for the Jerusalem Post ("It's All Relative," 1999-2005), she created the award-winning "Tracing the Tribe – The Jewish Genealogy Blog" (2006; now on hiatus), and "Tracing the Tribe – Jewish Genealogy on Facebook" (with 23,000+ global members). Her articles have appeared on JTA, Reform Judaism, Hadassah, NGS Quarterly, Avotaynu and numerous Jewish and general genealogy publications, newspapers, and more. Affiliations: Social media coordinator, Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies; board member, Casa Sefarad (Albuquerque, NM); founding member, JGS of New Mexico; founding organizer, annual Jewish Genetics Conference (NM).

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Webinar time

The webinar will be live on Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at:

  • 2pm Eastern (U.S.)
  • 1pm Central
  • 12pm Mountain
  • 11am Pacific

Or use this Time Zone Converter.

Here's how to attend:

  1. Register at today. It's free!
  2. You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the webinar.
  3. You will receive a reminder email both 1 day and 1 hour prior to the live webinar.
  4. Calculate your time zone by clicking here.
  5. Make sure you have the latest version of Java installed on your computer. Check at
  6. Check your GoToWebinar connection here.
  7. Click on the webinar link (found in confirmation and reminder emails) prior to the start of the webinar. Arrive early as the room size is limited to the first 1,000 arrivals that day.
  8. Listen via headset (USB headsets work best), your computer speakers, or by phone.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

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