Tuesday's Tips provide brief how-to's to help you learn to use the Legacy Family Tree software with new tricks and techniques.
Research Guidance and the To-Do List (Intermediate)
I tried so hard not to miss anything when I did the series on the To-Do List but I missed one very important feature. First, here are the previous installments in this series.
To-Do List Part I – How to access the To-Do List and general information
To Do List Part II – Entering a task
To Do List Part III – Filtering, Sorting, and Printing
Using the To-Do List with DNA
So what did I miss? There is a very handy feature in the Research Guidance. To access the Research Guidance go to Tools > Other Tools > Research Tools > Research Guidance. You will find some general information about the Research Guidance module in the article, Legacy 101 – Help With Your Research: Hints, Resesarch Guidance, Internet Searches.
Highlight the Source you want work with and then click Plan to Search.
Now pick the Repository, if there is more than one listed, and then click Select.
The first time you do this you will get a popup box telling you that the item has been added to the To-Do List. You can tick the box on the screen to not see this popup again if you wish. Now open the person's To-Do List and you will see that a To-Do has been added! It has entered the repository information and it has started the source citation for you. The source citation will be in the Basic format so if you use SourceWriter you will need to replace this once you have done the search. If you use the Basic Style format all you will have to do is add the detail once you do the search. You can tweak this by adding a Locality which will give you more filtering options. You might want to change the category if you have your categories set up differently. You can also add more info on the Task Description tab. Even with this tweaking Legacy has done the bulk of the work for you.
I am pretty sure that I have now covered everything to do with the To-Dos!
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Michele Simmons Lewis, CG® is part of the Legacy Family Tree team at MyHeritage. She handles the enhancement suggestions that come in from our users as well as writing for Legacy News. You can usually find her hanging out on the Legacy User Group Facebook page answering questions and posting tips.
Thank you very much. Reading your posts is much easier than reading the instructions in the book.