Every Friday we're pleased to offer Legacy Family Tree Webinar subscribers a new bonus webinar just for them! This Friday enjoy "Famous DNA: Looking into the genetic history of Joseph Smith Jr., founder of Mormonism" by Ugo Perego, PhD.
Famous DNA: Looking into the genetic history of Joseph Smith Jr., founder of Mormonism
This is a review of nearly 20 years of research work about Joseph Smith Jr. and his family using DNA tools. This case study is also helpful to see DNA in action and how it
can be applied to anyone's own personal family history research. It includes Y chromosome testing to trace both the origin of this particular Smith family and issues regarding alleged posterity; mitochondrial DNA to learn about their ancient maternal origins; and a unique, more than 180 years old paternity case using autosomal DNA.
About the Presenter
Dr. Ugo A. Perego is the owner of the Genetic Genealogy Consultant services, which specializes in helping genealogists with all their DNA needs. He is also a visiting scientist affiliated with the DNA laboratory of Professors Alessandro Achilli and Antonio Torroni at the University of Pavia in Italy, working on human population genetics. He has previously worked for more than a decade as a senior researcher with the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation and GeneTree.com both based in Utah. Ugo earned a BSc and an MSc in Health Sciences at Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah) and a PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences at the University of Pavia, Italy. Ugo has contributed numerous lectures and publications on DNA and its applications to population genetics, genealogy, ancestry, forensics, and history. With his family he currently resides in Rome, Italy.
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